Liam's little sister, Kathy, had believed her brother had returned to her as an angel, and ignorantly invited him inside the family home. With Lindsey out of the way, Spike and Angel came to an understanding that let the two of them operate as a lethal team when the two ended up fighting side-by-side, using their long experience of each other's skills to operate in near-perfect tandem. She turned him down, but when the man showed up looking for him, she and Angel were forced to fight him off; in a moment of rage she cut off the man's hand, and in remorse, fled the scene. Buffy even compared his maturity to that of a twelve-year-old during one of their reunions. To this end, Twilight seemingly possessed Angel and sent him to the ruins of Sunnydale to stop the Scoobies and Spike. Willow tried to fight him off, but was at first overcome. [155] Angel had been seen many times to be obsessively single-minded in his plans or goals, to the point that he occasionally disregarded his moral code and crossed a line; he could be impulsive, often running blindly down any path he believed would help redeem himself and not bothering to think about the consequences of his actions until it was too late,[citationneeded] something that Willow criticized him over. Portrayed by [61] Furthermore, he also had a dislike of churches, though this was due to the fact that he often preyed on nuns while soulless and they brought up bad memories rather than atheism or blasphemy. [184], Other abilities: Angel had a photographic memory. [7], 1765: Angelus and Darla had a near miss with Holtz in Arles after making too much noise by ordering room service and then eating the waiters. [133], In an attempt to calm her, Angel convinced Willow that she was strong enough to fight both the darkness and the demon. [16], 1943: During World War II, Angel was coerced into undertaking a secret mission by the Demon Research Initiative. "[8][9], Enhanced vampire abilities: Angel had the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire; he was immortal, regenerated damage, possessed superhuman physical attributes, and had heightened senses, able to track people by scent alone. Angel and Faith immediately joined the battle. [10] Born Liam in 1727 in Galway, Ireland, [11] he was sired by Darla in 1753, [12] taking the name Angelus, he earned notoriety as the worst vampire in history. This was made most obvious when he allowed himself to be manipulated by Twilight for what he believed was the greater good. When Doyle receives a vision that the Mohra has regenerated itself, Angel leaves to kill the demon for good. "[2] By contrast, with a soul he was dedicated to help people and do what was right, explaining: "All I want to do is help. Second, Angel used Jenny's death to torment Gilles, who was Jenny's paramour and Buffy's Watcher. He would eventually murder two Slayers, and became a particularly renowned vampire as a result. "Angel" is the seventh episode of season 1 of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In Quor'toth, Connor served as a guide, while Willow reminded Angel about the possible consequences of being in another dimension. He refused again and apologized for what he had done to her; however, she declared that she no longer cared. He has seen her bad. Afterward, he revealed that he was unique among his kind for possessing a soul, as a result of the curse placed upon him as a punishment for murdering the favorite daughter of a Romani tribe. During Angelus' first meeting with Darla's sire, the Master, he openly mocked the older vampire, and showed no fear despite the Master's greater age, power and authority. Undead Though his father told him that he would only end up homeless and alone, Liam stormed out. [2] Due to his advanced age, however, he was considerably more powerful than an average vampire; for example, he was able to run at such speeds that he appeared to teleport several meters,[42][159][70][92], was strong enough that he could lift up a heavy security gate[87], survive explosions and falls from skyscrapers with little injury,[78][39][70] and withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight and holy items to no ill effect. While getting into another argument with Spike, it was interrupted when Faith received an unexpected call from Buffy back in San Francisco. Still, she could not control herself, and transformed into "Dark Willow." [99] Then both possessed souls, and both were still in love with Buffy; they had evolved into very different heroes in the war against evil. [2], Though he fled, Buffy was privy to his secret, and sought to kill him after she mistakenly believed he had attacked her mother. First, Doyle, a half-Brachen demon and fellow Irishman with precognitive abilities was sent by the Powers That Be to be Angel's guide. "[71] Despite his efforts, Angel did not always believe it was possible for him to gain redemption for his evil actions, once telling Spike that he believed his escape from Acathla's dimension was not an escape, but only a "short reprieve," and that he still believed he would go to hell when he die. [citationneeded]. Consequently, this plan tied heavily into the new world revolutionized by Whistler. Aliases This marked the end of Angel's story, as the Buffy and Angel . This almost killed her, but, having quickly recovered from his poison, Angel rushed Buffy to the hospital. [68] After a misguided one-night stand with Darla in a moment of weakness,[70] he snapped out of his depression and returned to himself for the most part. [citationneeded], Psychic connection: Angel displayed a psychic connection to those he had sired on at least one occasion. Above all, he sought to meet someone "exciting" and "interesting. Angel must make a difficult decision regarding Buffy when a demon's blood makes him mortal once more. "[2] After his first meeting with Buffy, which left her with a bad impression, she still described him as "gorgeous,"[47] calling him a "honey," claiming most girls would find him attractive "if they [had] eyes," describing him as a "hunk," and saying that his eyes were "penetrating. While investigating recent murders with Sophia and Lavinia's aid, Angel witnessed a newly-turned vampire walking in sunlight and displaying a greater resistance to the usual anti-vampire weapons, confirming that the restoration of magic had changed the rules for new vampires. Died Angel admits to Spike that he is not yet over Buffy. Vampire (Van-Tal in Pylea)Puppet demon (formerly) Angel, while not exactly quick to anger, could become irritated at times. Example, when Angel, Cordi and baby connor are laying in bed after getting that money, and Cordi is talking about a boat, it could be argued that Angel is happy and content in that moment. 1753, Galway (sired)1998, Sunnydale (sent to hell)2004, Los Angeles (reversed) They returned his soul, forcing him to live eternally in guilt over the countless crimes he had committed. "[25] By his twenties, Liam had become a drunken, whoring layabout,[13] whose only real ambition in life lay in someday seeing the world. The two give in to their passions and engaged in airborne sex, subsequently finding themselves in a paradise dimension: Twilight. For other uses, see. Rescued by Wesley from his watery prison, Angel's relationship with Connor was strained. [83] After he adopted the name "Angel" circa 1943, the name "Angelus" would be brought up in reference to the time when he was still called as such,[89][174][90] or to compare his present with his evil history. Angel was furious with him when he realized that he was working with Pearl and Nash, and would have resorted to violence, had Whistler not broken his wrist and ordered him to sit down. While there, he followed the scent of blood to a seniors' home, where he came across a deranged young man slaughtering the residents. [50] However, he was also moved to tears by a performance of Giselle in 1890 even without a soul,[37] and eventually admitted that he had enjoyed Spike's poetry. [12] Not knowing how to perform the ritual, Angel kidnapped Giles and physically tortured him to interrogate on how to do it.[27]. It was written by co-executive producer David Greenwalt and directed by Scott Brazil.The narrative follows Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), vampire slayer, coming to terms with her feelings for Angel (David Boreanaz), who is revealed to be a vampire cursed with a soul. Despite the show ending, a comic book series produced by Buffy creator Joss Whedon has continued. Whistler did not deny this, but calmly revealed that Angel and Buffy's meeting had been predestined long before. Wolfram & Hart then summoned Drusilla,[67] who turned Darla into a vampire again. [50][81][104] Even so, he was also never called "Angelus" again, except by those who didn't know about his name change[35][26][43] or had known him from before,[68][175] who were often corrected. Angel quickly surmised that Eyghon the Sleepwalker had possessed Ethan Rayne during the funeral, and had begun possessing Giles' body since. [136], Fed up with her problems with her Slayers, Faith lost patience and blamed Angel for her fellows' lack of trust in her. Making their way to Los Angeles, the group reunited with Gunn and Connor, the latter of whom unhesitatingly agreed to Willow's plan because he had seen what was happening and knew that Willow was right. [citationneeded]. Liam He still felt that he was far from deserving of contentment, but worked tirelessly to prove himself to his peers and the Powers That Be. Instead of destroying Thesulac, as it was in his power to do, even when the demon gave him the opportunity, he personally gave the vicious demon free reign to prey upon and ravage the inhabitants of the hotel unhindered. "[13] However, while he was soulless, Buffy's claimed that he was "not Angel," so he responded: "Wrong. Angel was supposed to be a one-time character until David Boreanaz was found. [citationneeded] Wesley unintentionally brought about the kidnapping due to uncovering a false prophecy that stated "the father will kill the son,"[80] and Angel attempted to kill Wesley in the hospital;[81] Wesley was subsequently fired from Angel Investigations, while Angel resumed his position as the team's leader. After the robber shot the employee and fled, Angel stayed with the man as he died. She had chosen to help people with her newfound clarity, but as Angel was aware, her efforts had gone in vain. He was discovered by Wesley, who returned as a ghost to act as liaison between Angel and the Senior Partners. [24], After Faith's choice to go on her own away from London, Giles informed Angel that he was also leaving for San Francisco to return to Buffy, something he had been expecting. Lavinia threw Angel another a sword, and he attempted to stop Nash, only for him to easily deflect it. [41], 1996: A half-demon named Whistler sought the reclusive Angel and persuaded him to join the fight against the evil that had corrupted him and help the newly-activated Slayer, Buffy Summers. Xander quickly jumped on him and started punching him, then grabbed the slayer scythe to stake him. [citationneeded] In a conversation with Spike about the natures of good and evil, Angel said: "I couldn't take my eyes off [my victims]. However, Angel worried about Buffy's future with him, with his inability to give her a family or a normal human life. [31], December 25, 1838: Angelus won a card game in Dublin, Ireland, and when his opponent, a man named Daniel who was to be married the next day, could not pay, he took his winnings by killing him. She seems so devastated that I kind of wonder if the reversal maybe returned her memory from Angel's "I Will Remember You" as well. [46], Angel followed Buffy to Sunnydale, where he lived in an apartment and consumed bagged human blood. First, he helped Spike and Drusilla deploy the Judge to incinerate the human race. Born During his first year in Los Angeles with Angel Investigations, he displayed an acute lack of people skills, and was very anti-social and reclusive. Because time flowed differently in other dimensions, he had experienced a century of torment while only a few months had passed on Earth. The two became separated, and Angel seemingly killed the demon, and in doing so, its blood mixed with his own and resurrected him, making him human again. Just as she was about to leave, however, the two were attacked by a Mohra demon. However, he was actually being haunted by the First Evil, who claimed to be the one that freed him from Acathla's hell. Before Cordelia took her leave, she and Angel finally revealed their feelings for each other, culminating in a kiss. The masked Twilight reveals his identity. Faith proclaimed Drusilla to be a mess, and although Angel openly agreed with her, he made the closing statement: "But before she met me, she was beautiful. [40] Even as Buffy, the Watchers Council, and the Los Angeles Police Department pursued Faith, Angel continued to help her. [citationneeded] He also attempted to learn the language of the Vinji and Sahrvin demons via an instruction tape. In 1998, while soulless, his style somewhat changed, noticeably the black leather pants he wore throughout his this period (something that both Cordelia and Lorne have referenced). Despite this setback and Giles' initial displeasure of being brought back by him under these circumstances, he was undeterred and insisted they would find a way to fix this as well. Angel could also be braggy and sometimes pretentious, shown when he recounted stories of his battles to the people of Pylea (who had hailed him a hero) and was even smugly flattered by their continuous admiration of him, admitting to Lorne that it was nice to be not have to deal the moral ambiguity judgments he often got at home. [150] Although, when the spirit witnessed Angel's allies running to join him despite the danger, where Archaeus' forces only obeyed him out of fear, it allied with Angel to trap Archaeus in the golem body Archaeus had intended to offer the spirit, sealing the demon away. He was also known as the One with the Angelic Face because of his physical beauty. However, Angel eventually accepted his new status as a vampire with a soul; initially only killing murderers and rapists, until Darla put him in a position where he would have to kill a baby to prove himself, when he instead took the child away from Darla. Sophronia, Lavina, and Alasdair successfully finished the incantation and Giles' body was struck with magical energy. While in the midst of doing so, however, Angel encountered the same higher power who granted him his new powers, this time in the form of a winged lion. [41] However, unlike Buffy, who adamantly refused to kill humans no matter how evil they were,[157] Angel had no such reservations and would kill a human easily if they murdered or threatened innocents; for example, he unhesitatingly killed the human assassin Vanessa Brewer, whom Wolfram & Hart repeatedly prevented from being brought to justice for her crimes, when she was hired by them to kill the Holy Triumvirate. Upon digging up his coffin, they were shocked to find his body missing; upon returning to their apartment, they realized that the body had been taken before it was ever buried, as the ground had been untouched. 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