And I wont lie.getting my nails done by myself on a weekday afternoon is pretty enjoyable, too! So some are bitter that they have been "screwed" and "midlevels" are taking their work and their big money away. I had a rough day today where I legitimately had all of these thoughts and I am up way past my bedtime because of it, but this was so worth the read. WebHate being a medical assistant. They usually believe things that are demonstrated with rational data, and as a result, they tend to collect a lot of data before making decisions. Enforcement of a law requiring social media companies to better police potential hate speech has been struck down by a federal court. After they had left, I knew I would be ready to go soon too, but I was still waiting for my moment. The spectrum of work hours, conditions, level of autonomy, and pay is tremendous; possibly more so than any other direct provider profession. If you decide to go to PA school and become a PA you'll find out just what I'm talking about. WebThe role of physician leaders has increased with the growing recognition that our expertise and experience can provide invaluable contributions to healthcare | 148 LinkedIn Ted James MD, MHCM LinkedIn: #healthcare #leadership #physicianleadership #healthcareleaders | (148) Insecure people act insecurely and take it out on everyone around them. and realize there will be good days and bad days.looks like your having a bad day. Somewhere along the line, your younger self decided to be whatever you have become. A few months ago, a new supervisor position became available in my department. To the OP. Nobody seems to bother them. I wonder if it' s just the specialty you are in, and private practice vs. Hospital. When they are now in their 30s, still making less than $60K as a resident, working an insane amount of hours, and being almost $400K in debt and look at the 27 year old PA, practicing medicine already, making $100K, working ~40 hours a week, with less than half of their debt, I can see why they get frustrated and feel the need to be reminded that they will eventually be better than the PA. Which, I'm sure, was a delight for everyone around me. Hang in there. Another helpful characteristic of HIM PAs is being obsessive (in a healthy manner) about details to make sure all of the patients medical conditions are addressed and nothing is missed. The old guard doesn't like it, but there it is. I'm at a turning point in my own life where I either need to jump ship and take a huge, possibly stupid, risk to be happy in my work, or stick it out until my loans are paid off in 7 more years. I've been a PA for 17 years and I can count on one hand (ok maybe two) the number of days my job produced a level of satisfaction, enjoyment, or happiness. My switch flipped. They have bigger opportunities for promotions, raises, bonuses, job mobility. Enjoy the PERSON. Vai al contenuto principale LinkedIn. Nobody seems to bother them You sound pretty run down and stressed. You have 2 articles left this month. ), but that PAs aren't entirely equipped to shine in all specialties when the usual suspects fail. But rarely is anyone able to pull that off. But its hard to give up the golden handcuffs of a 6 figure salary in my late 20s plus, Id disappoint a lot of people including my family. Im tired of being woken up in the middle of the night when Im on call. I'm burnt out and my horse just entered the race. Im learning really good medicine, and all of my benefits are much better. I organize all of the events for our local Derm Society of physicians. I actually got off the phone the other day with an MD-derm who wanted to RSV These are not easy choices and there can be substantial obstacles to overcome. There's no need to denigrate anyone but I also believe in affording respect where respect is due. Press J to jump to the feed. I call the two physicians at the start of my shift, and we determine who will see each patient. Find out more about the course and register today! Hey, new grad here. I then go talk with and examine the patient in the ED. Personally, stuff like this doesn't bother me at all. Not a PA, but an NP, and I feel the same way you do. But, having specific reasons for staying was important to me. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Being surrounded by some of the brightest people in the field. Please review our forum rules before contributing. Under the proposals, issued with a view to impending physician shortages, it would be easier for hospitals to use advanced practice nurse practitioners and physician assistants in lieu of higher-paid physicians. This change alone could provide immediate savings to hospitals, the administration said. Lots of happy PAs in my neck of the woods. That's hard for anyone, especially a northern gal deprived of southern food until she was 25, to give up. All I can say is that you should come spend a day with me (or any other surgical PA I know), and I will disabuse you of the notion that I'm a glorified "errand boy" with no autonomy. However, it gets me wondering if a switch would even make me happy. We discuss everything from interesting patient cases to stories about our kids to our favorite recipes. I usually spend some time after my shift addressing any emails I didnt get to during the day or following up on patient results. The profession has it's pluses and minuses. Sorry its more so of a rant. I am able to work fewer days, because one work day is 12 hours, and even though its not always enjoyable to work weekends, there are some advantages. Yes it will be a longer path and a harder one, but it will end. Only after seeing the patient did she discuss the case with her collaborating physician. As a result, the vast majority of patient care, particularly outside of clinic visits, is handled by APPs. I shouldve really thought about what I really wanted out in life before I decided to go down this road. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hindsight is 20/20. To be blunt, we have practically no experience, especially joining a new specialty. There were times I walked by the custodians and floor sweepers and watched in envy the quietness of their work. Communism rules and capitalism is dead (meaning - we're not even allowed to choose our own future as an entrepreneur and open our own practice; even if we hire our own supervising physicians!) While in that role, Palermo realized that she was drawn to the medical side of patient care and that she wanted to be in the medical field. Anderson. 1. WebWhen you access a Sutter Health network hospital, physician or medical specialist, you'll be tapping into Northern California's premier care network for you and your family. I enjoy working both shifts, because its a nice change of pace. Hospitals are PAs largest employer group, and hospital medicine is an ever-changing practice setting. She told the patient what she saw, what she thought, and what the next steps were. I have had an ENT surgeon once belittle me for pursuing PA school. The clinic I work at had their PA out on maternity leave, and their NP on vacation, leaving the MDs and DOs to work alone. Docs think in algorhythms too - usuallyx+y=z, but if it ends up as e, go to a, b, c, or d and reset based on thatresult. Im tired of the inflexibility of my schedule. JP: When I started PA school, I didnt know which specialty I wanted to practice. How does that work? Learn More. By continuing your use of this website, you consent to this use of cookies. That's a facetious comment btw. Not saying medicine isn't algorithmic (which worries me actually, btw. You know they've taught apes to sign too? I think what they say is true that medicine should be a calling and you should get into it because you love caring for others otherwise. Im tired of the weekends working while my friends are out enjoying the day. I'd love to hear more about how a PA can get in academia for medicine, I thought it was exclusive to PhDs/MDs/DOs. Being a major research facility, the physicians have many other obligations outside of patient care. So, rather than being a story about why I quit, it's more about why I could never bring myself to do it before now. One of my mentors (a friend who basically introduced me into the profession) felt burnt out and basically dropped most of his true medicine besides ~3 days a month, and jumped more into the business side and academia of medicine. Fingers crossed I hear back. I will concur that just about every PA is miserable in their first job, BUT let's also entertain the possibility that this is largely a thankless job and some people really, really will not like it. I've perused the thread, and it looks like you've gotten a lot of good advice. Calm physician assistants make logical decisions, multitask and switch gears when faced with unexpected or complex medical challenges. Once I decide on something, the switch has flipped, and there's no going back. 89. My dog, Lulu, has an advanced dog version of ALS, and I plan on staying out of work and with her until the end. I'm a new graduate. If I think about what I was actually trained to do, vs what I'm doing now, I almost want to faint. Kelli was listed as the supervisor. I'm glad we're realistic about the way we are feeling. Even if you have the same skill set as a physician, you're still expected to work under their supervision. With the unpredictability of the hospital, getting out on time doesnt always happen, but thats expected. I've been practicing for 2 years, which isn't long, but my general impression is that medicine is not the glorified bundle of money and satisfaction it's made out to be. Create authentic, effective responses for your PA school interview with a proven step-by-step framework. Both worth a look. Im tired of no admin time. What Its Really Like to be a PA in Hospital Medicine, Major Marc Latta Focuses on Transformation, Cardiology PA Viet Le Helps Pave the Way for More PA Researchers, The Top 3 Reasons You Should Take the Salary Survey, Mental Health is Part of Everyones Health: Psychiatry PA Jessica Tabb Wants to Change the Narrative Around Mental Health Care. I hate the stress involved. 10000% agree. Considering a specialty switch. No matter what you do in life someone will have something negative to say. Im tired of seeing patients. Theres also all of the sunken cost in quitting. JP: Work-life balance is a difficult thing. Heck no! They were summa cum laudes and valedictorians too. However I really don't know what I can do with a PA degree. They don't know I am now a PA student but we got on the topic of PAs practicing medicine and all hell broke loose. And I hate to say it but, despite the headlines of a "growing PA profession" and it being called one of the hottest jobs of the future, the actual job absolutely sucks. Send comments to and follow @reaganworld on Please review our forum rules before contributing. Ive been thinking about transitioning into an epic analyst, data analyst, IT or programming. If we could work from the comforts of our home, I bet the quality of life would go up significantly. Badgers, medicine is one big algorithm. But what's also true is that for a group of professionals that carry that much responsibility we get the most sh#t upon and the least amount of respect of any of the professions in the hospital or the entire healthcare industry. I have zero confidence in my abilities as a practitioner/decision making/etc., which isn't helpful in any aspect. I then staff the patient with my attending physician, and, last but not least, I dictate the patients admission history and physical. There are aspects of the work I like, but it's impossible to isolate them and the other stressors, combined with the sheer volume of patients we are expected to see precludes any sort of enjoyable employment scenario. Philo However with the pandemic it really shattered that illusion. I honestly hate it all. It happens. Eight years later than expected, my switch finally flipped. Are you interviewing for another PA job? Even while in school many many moons ago, I had a doc tell me that she wished she had gone PA and several of my senior attendings tell me that the PA students were better prepared and more engaged than the MD students. I'm about a month into my first job. Pharmaceutical rep maybe? Four months later, I was a Texan. Having access to cutting edge options for your patients. 2)Live as cheap a lifestyle as you can and shovel money toward your debt. I tell this to all our new grad hires - everyone is miserable when they start their first job. I guess they are equivalent too according to your 0.02. But, still, we want to find that one specialty that calls us the one that feels like home. I also think some people just get more personal satisfaction out of the medical profession in general. It happened when I decided to become a PA. And, after my time in Texas, it flipped again when I knew I wanted to work in oncology. After seeing the patient, I like to touch base with the patients nurse to update him or her. JP: Being a hospitalist PA works well for my family life. Have any of you seen this before? For those of you who are head over heels in love with your current position, be thankful. The APPs either work day or afternoon/evening shifts. WebPhysician Assistants earned an average median annual wage of $121,530 in 2021, and the projected growth by 2031 is 27.6%, the 3rd best among jobs with the lowest risk of being replaced by robots. None of my classmates seem willing to want to admit this. I can only imagine what that will be like. Late 20s is very young still. Was shown up as a student or resident by an astute PA or PA student and cannot let go of embarrassment, 3. has a relative who is a successful PA and can't handle it, 4. How does being a hospitalist PA work for your family? This is where having longer training periods and many hours of previous patient care exposure kicks in - it develops your "Spidey sense" more. I was frustrated. Two other friends/PA colleagues (other out of state singles) left about a year ago as part of an effort to expand the PA role in the UK. It wasn't a matter of not wanting anything to change. Our physicians value our opinions and the perspective we bring. WebThe role of physician leaders has increased with the growing recognition that our expertise and experience can provide invaluable contributions to healthcare | 148 commenti su LinkedIn. February 10, 2014 in Professional PA General Discussion, To all and any who are considering the PA profession as their future career -. Anderson did it." Theres no turning the clock back now. We work together as a team to get all the patients seen and then break for lunch. She decided on PA school and enrolled at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona. If you no longer like what you do (and I've been there), then you you have options: curse the darkness, work to try to fix the problems, change jobs, or transition to something completely different. WebFor better and sometimes worse, medicine is a giving profession. You have to be able to go with the flow of the day. Jennifer Palermo, MMS, PA-C, is one of nearly 43,000 PAs who practice in hospital medicine. My preceptor, Kelli, was going through a new patient's records. How do you collaborate with your supervising physician and your co-workers? I can see both sides of this discussion. A few years ago, a good friend (and PA colleague) somehow managed to quit and move out of town, on to a new adventure. Honestly I obsessively check labs, old charts, decisions all day, every day. AAPA has partnered with the Society of Hospital Medicine to offer the perfect course in hospital medicine for PAs and NPs. What specialty are you in? The worst part is I don't disagree, I feel like when I graduate in May I will not be ready to practice medicine and my only hope is to get a job where I'll have a lot of support to keep learning/training or consider a residency. Ill have to see what is out there. Kate Maloney is AAPAs senior manager of corporate communications. We have come to adapt to shift work, and it works for us. It accompanied me on every rotation with maybe another book or two specific to what I was doing. It's helped me to know that I picked the right time to go. Or am i asking for too much as a new grad and should lower my expectations? On a day shift, my work day starts at 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. Everyone has a place. This isn't House. But the answer to burnout isnt "exercising", "mindfulness", or "gratitude" (although these things help), it's WORKING LESS, or finding differnt work. This is of course an isolated incident and I know plenty of doctors who respect the PA profession and what it brings to the table in terms of team-based medicine. Have you tried looking for pharm sales positions? Thank you for your post. Doctoral Degree. I even have what we consider a cushy job at outpatient practice, seeing max 15-18 patients a day. Once you finish PA school you will have the honor of joining the miserable, underpaid, overworked, Has anyone successfully done it and how did you do it? I am able to practice medicine within a multidisciplinary team where I consult with my supervising physicians daily. Actually, PAs are not the cause if the problem. It sounds like you just hate your job more than you hate your profession. Im afraid of starting out in the bottom again. I will see new patients from overnight, patients who have been in the hospital for a number of days, patients who are on the consult list, and patients who are ready for discharge. In a setting like family practice, this is fine. I think it may be a fair criticism that we may be trained to approach medicine with some sort of algorithm. A month into my first job her collaborating physician days.looks like your having bad!: being a hospitalist PA works well for my family life big money.! Doing now, I like to touch base with the Society of physicians team get. The perspective we bring apes to sign too shift, my switch finally flipped - everyone is miserable they. To shine in all specialties when the usual suspects fail, is handled by.. Wanting anything to change, but an NP, and there 's need... Those of you who are head over heels in love with your supervising physician and your co-workers a. 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Kristin Johnson, Articles I