Last May, one of Salahis cousins posted a note on Facebook that referred to Woods conversion. Salahi was terrified. A government report describes the facility as having been modified in such a way as to reduce as much outside stimuli as possible, with doors that had been sealed to a point that allows no light to enter the room. Inside, the walls were covered with white paint or paper to further eliminate objects the detainee may concentrate on. There was an eyebolt for shackling him to the floor, and speakers for bombarding him with sound. But Wood spent his days in the base library, researching topics that Salahi had brought up in the cell. Everyone, including myself, was very nervous, he said. (His name was actually Richard Zuley; he was a Chicago police detective, working as a military contractor, who has an extensive record of abusing suspects until they confessed to crimes that they hadnt committed. There, Schroen contacted the leaders of the Northern Alliance, an armed group that had spent years fighting the Taliban, with little external support. They really know who is who, and, as a result, they were very reluctant to torture me. By now, Salahi was under surveillance by German intelligence. Abu Hafs, Salahis cousin and a senior Al Qaeda official, evaded capture. They drove to the airport in silence, in Abdellahis black Mercedes. I think he still sees any baby in my family as a future inmate. Brahim Ebety, Salahis Mauritanian lawyer, told me that he is considering a lawsuit against the Mauritanian government. Two UNM School of Law graduates, Nancy Hollander ('78) and Teri Duncan ('00), represented Mohamedou between 2005 and 2016, when he was finally released. Under the new regime, Abdellahi, the spy chief, was demoted, and given the task of investigating corruption and malfeasance within the security services; the standard path for accountability required Abdellahi to investigate himself. came to much the same conclusion.) Another two years passed before Salahis name caught the attention of Deddahi Ould Abdellahi, the head of Mauritanias security-intelligence apparatus. After all, only the Americans suspect me of terrorism, no other country. They drove up to the stairs of an airplane, but, Salahi wrote, he was so exhausted, sick, and tired that I couldnt walk, which compelled the escort to pull me up the steps like a dead body.. In Mauritania, Abdellahis men detained Salahis wife and brothers and interrogated them about the Millennium Plot. What I was told was that his information had saved thousands of American lives, Wood said, and this is what theyd given him to keep talking., Salahi was taken into custody when he was thirty years old, but he had already lived on four continents, and spoke fluent Arabic, French, and German. Having accepted his guards, Salahi wrote, the next phase of captivity was getting used to the prison, and being afraid of the outside world.. Other men carried box cutters and explosives; Salahi was a ghost on the periphery. When the ice melted, they punched him, then repacked the ice to freeze him again. In September 2003, Couch was assigned to prepare the prosecution of Mohamedou Ould Slahi after he joined the Office of Military Commissions in August 2003. Wood left for the airport at 4 A.M. Salahi spent much of the day watching YouTube compilations of the worst American Idol auditions. Torture has been prohibited by international law, but the language of the statutes is written vaguely, Jonathan Fredman, a senior C.I.A. At sunrise, the plane landed at Bagram Airfield, the largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan. In fact, Id say, without you, September 11th would never have happened, one of Salahis interrogators told him. For the next month, he was kept in total darkness; his only way of knowing day from night was to look into the toilet and see if there was brightness at the end of the drain. Id come home and iron my uniform, and my roommates didnt know a thing, he said. I felt so bad, and kept praying silently, Nothings gonna happen to you dear brother.. Mohamedou Ould Slahi fights for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the U.S. Government for . I hope you treasure every minute of strangers telling you to treasure every minute., I ordered my meal more than an hour ago! After the prayer session, Abu Hafs led me into his living room, and for four hours he detailed his falling-out with bin Laden, his whereabouts and activities in the aftermath of 9/11, and his relationship with Mauritanias President. When he refused to back out of the interview, Wendy insisted that he wear an on-camera disguise. You will have a job at the snap of a finger, his friend told him. A few weeks later, Iranian spies told Abu Hafs to call other Al Qaeda officials and inform them that they would be welcome in Iranalthough, like him, they would live with their wives and children under a form of house arrest, sometimes in prisons, sometimes in lavish compounds and hotels, always in the company of the Revolutionary Guard. What would we tell the Mauritanians? the diplomat replied. He wouldnt take any chances. Salahi was led to a small private aircraft. Mohamedou Ould Slahi spent 14 years of his life as a detainee in the United States military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. For the next seventy days I wouldnt know the sweetness of sleeping. But the Germans saw no reason to detain or question him. He would be held there for 14 years without charge. by Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Larry Siems ( 32 ) $17.49 An epic story of a Bedouin family's survival and legacy amid their changing world in the unforgiving Sahara Desert. I pictured my family already having prepared the Iftar fast-breaking food, my mom mumbling her prayers while duly working the modest delicacies, everybody looking for the sun to take its last steps and hide beneath the horizon, Salahi wrote. Throughout 2002 and 2003, whenever the foreign minister visited the parliamentary chamber, Badre Eddine demanded to know Salahis whereabouts. Ahmed is a camel herder, as his father was before him and as his young son Abdullahi will be after him. Instead, he began to wonder whether what he was actually protecting at Guantnamo was one of the governments darkest secrets: that its highest-value military detainee was being held essentially by mistake, and that his isolation in Echo Special was intended to cover up the hell that had been inflicted upon him. Case of Mohamedou Ould Slahi. Salahi and Wood sat in front of a laptop, with the Webcam on, and Skyped into a room in Washington. He let you down! An interrogation memo listed plans to shave Salahis head and beard, dress him in a burqa, and make him bark and perform dog tricks, to reduce the detainees ego and establish control.. Mohamedou Ould Salahi was born in late December, 1970, the ninth child of a Mauritanian camel herder and his wife. But it wasnt until two years later that bin Laden shared with the Shura Council the broad outlines of the attack: four planes; two civilian targets; two government targets. It was my way of telling him, Man, I trust you. Several more days of interrogation followed. There, Abu Hafs spent two months in custody, as a formality. A lot of these prisoners were actually looking forward to being handed over to the Americans, figuring it would be pretty obvious they werent Al Qaeda. Yet hundreds of them were sent to Guantnamo Bay, which ended up housing seven hundred and eighty people. He walked into the morning sunlight in a daze, unable to reconcile his impression of the man in Echo Special with the depiction of the terrorist in the dossier. He recalled his political views as being whatever Fox News told us. He didnt know the difference between a Hindu, a Sikh, and a Muslimhe had never met one. On February 14, 2004, Salahi received a short letter from his mother in Mauritania, informing him that her health situation is OK. It had been eight hundred and fifteen days since he had seen heran ailing woman in the rearview mirror, waving from the street as he drove to Deddahi Abdellahis intelligence headquarters. custody, claimed that Salahi had recruited him into Al Qaeda. The Americans supplied the questions, and the Jordanians extracted the responses, often through coercive means. According to one of Salahis brothers, Abdellahi told the family that Salahi was being kept in a detention facility in the desert, far from Nouakchott. You must forget your fear to achieve anything., Last summer, Salahi completed an online course to become a certified life coach. Oct. 17, 2016. He had spent the morning of the worst terrorist attack in American history lying on his mothers couch, high on painkillers after a tonsillectomy, but when he emerged from the haze he was angry, focussed, and longing for deployment. Wahrheit macht frei, the officer saidthe truth sets you free. When my turn came, two guards grabbed me by the hands and feet and threw me toward the reception team, Salahi wrote. He was belted so tightly that he struggled to breathe, but he didnt have the English vocabulary to tell the guards. . He and his comrades were told that many of the detainees were responsible for 9/11 and, given the opportunity, would strike again. That is not appropriate language, man. So, when Abu Hafs called Salahi for assistance a third time, in early 1999, Salahi refused, and hung up. By the second week of December, it was clear that Kandahar would fall. Salahi, who hadnt been home since 1993, was filled with nostalgia and dread. The journey to Nouakchott took roughly an hour, tracing the Mauritanian coastto the left the Atlantic, to the right the Sahara. One of the seven authors was Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian man who was held without charge for 14 years, during which time he was repeatedly tortured, before his release in 2016. In time, he was given back his pain medication. Mohamedou Ould Slahi Born: December 21, 1970 Birthplace: Rosso, Mauritania Jodie Foster Born: November 19, 1962 Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA Nancy Hollander Born: March 10, 1944 Benedict Cumberbatch Born: July 19, 1976 Birthplace: Hammersmith, London, England, UK Lt. Col. Stuart Couch Born: April 20, 1965 The videos had been pulled from jihadi Web sites, or captured by intelligence officers during raids, and Salahis role was to identify the people in them. Other Guantnamo prisoners threw punches and feces and urine, but, according to the classified dossier, Salahis only disciplinary infraction was that, on May 11, 2003, he possessed an excessive amount of MRE food., Salahi often appeared sullen and withdrawn. Where is Abu Hafs? one of them asked. Although many of the detainees arrived malnourished, with their bodies marked by bullet wounds and broken bones, some IRF teams punched them and slammed their heads into the ground until they were bloody and unconscious. In 1998, shortly after Al Qaeda detonated truck bombs outside the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Salahi took a call from a phone number belonging to bin Laden. team and their Afghan counterparts travelled through much of northern Afghanistan, laying the groundwork for the U.S. military invasion. It was silly, but if you get scared you are not you anymore. His specialty was in brutalizing detainees who were considered important, but not valuable enough to get them tickets to the secret CIA prisons, Salahi wrote. For the first time, Salahi was in the custody of uniformed American soldiers. A year in Echo Special shattered Woods ideas about his post-military future. Illustration by Tyler Comrie; source photograph from Stringer/ AFP/ Getty (face). At the time, Slahi had been in captivity for two years, accused of acts of terrorism. He is being held under the authority of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), alleged by the US government to be "part of" al Qaeda at the time of his arrest. No showers for weeks. His proximity to so many events and high-level jihadi figures could not be explained by coincidence, they thought, and only a logistical mastermind could have left so faint a trail. Sometimes the sessions veer into his own coping mechanismsthe routines he made up to fill his days in Guantnamo, for example, when we had nothing to look forward to except the world we created inside my cell., Earlier this month, Amanda gave birth to a son. The abuse wound down slowlyno more hitting, but no comfort items, either, and no uninterrupted periods of rest. Wood walked through the camp to Echo Special proud to be part of a serious national-security operation. When Yee went on leave, he flew to Jacksonville, Florida, where he was interrogated and arrested, then blindfolded, earmuffed, and driven to a Navy brig in South Carolina. According to The Exile, a comprehensive account of post-9/11 Al Qaeda, by the investigative journalists Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy, who gained access to Abu Hafss diaries, he ghostwrote most of Osamas speeches, religious judgments, and press releases. In 1998, bin Laden wrote Abu Hafs into his will. Wood, who was twenty-three, had recently learned that his girlfriend was pregnant. ), Later that month, a military lawyer named Diane Beaver drafted a legal justificationdescribed later by a congressional inquiry on torture as profoundly in error and legally insufficientfor a set of abusive interrogation techniques. Wed try to cover it back up, real quick, but eventually we were, like, fuck it. By the following day, the lead Senegalese officer was convinced that there was no reason to hold Salahi. He sought structure and disciplinea life of pride, purpose, and clarity of mission. But I changed my mind after Guantnamo, he told me. I was an agent of the state. NOUAKCHOTT - Mohamedou Salahi is beaming.His welcoming smile is a sign that our conversation, delving into his recent past, may not be so excruciating after all. The Actual True Story of Ahmed and Zarga - Mohamedou Ould Slahi 2021-02-23 An epic story of a Bedouin family's survival and legacy amid their changing world in the unforgiving Sahara Desert. They kept him in alternately hot and cold cells, blasted him with strobe lights and heavy-metal music, and poured ice water on him. At first I thought it was an armed robbery, but, when the airport police approached, the guy behind me flashed a magic badge, which immediately made the policemen retreat. Salahi and his brothers were thrown into the back of a van and driven to a detention site. In his fourth year of U.S. detention, Mohamedou Ould Slahi bonded with one particular Guantnamo guard over prison meals, American TV and the quirky movie, "The Big Lebowski." In 2014, Salahi collapsed in his cell and was rushed to an operating room for emergency gallbladder surgery. Another dissonance was that Salahis eloquent orations on fundamental human rights stopped short of confronting a reality that Wood noticed on the second day: as guests of Mauritanian lites, they were served lavish meals by people who appeared to be slaves. Look up the prison on Robben Island. I really have no questions for you, because I know your case, Abdellahi told him. While Salahi was being tortured, James Yee, the Muslim military chaplain, discovered that he and the interpreters at Guantnamomany of whom were Muslim Americans, with Middle Eastern backgroundswere being spied on by law-enforcement and intelligence officers. Afghanistans civil war entered a new stage, with rival Islamist groups vying for control, and Salahi wanted no part of it. So far, so good.. (For the past sixty years, the Cuban government has sought to nullify the agreement, and it refuses to cash the checks.) In June, 2004, the Supreme Court ruled that Guantnamo detainees could challenge the grounds for their detention. It became fashionable for high-profile corporate-law firms to represent Guantnamo clients, pro bono, but many detainees rejected representation, because they thought it was a ploy to lend legitimacy to an unjust detention. All his friends and family knew him as the guy who was guarding a high-value detainee, and really proud of it, Wood told me. After three months, he left Afghanistan and returned to Duisburg, where he worked in a computer-repair shop while he finished his degree. I just wanted this to be me and God.. We knew he wasnt a threat. Where once he had struggled to forgive himself for enjoying Salahis company, he now felt bad about having to lock the door at the end of each shift. Salahis detainee dossier lists his reasons for transfer to Guantnamo: to provide information on the Al Qaeda training camp he had attended in 1992; a separate Afghan militia, which had received substantial backing from the C.I.A. But the climactic descriptions of what it took for him to "break" are almost . Thank you for a wonderful evening!, Ive done it, Igor! In Nouakchott, Abdellahi and his subordinates began to map out the network, detaining people close to Abu Hafs and soliciting the names of other jihadis. The leadership at Guantnamo was more interested in intelligence collection than in prosecuting detainees for terrorism crimes. Forces recruits who speak grammatically incorrectly, he wrote on a scrap of paper inside his cell. Even if the military believed he was innocent, he figured that he knew too much about classified torture programs to be let out into the world. Canadas Security Intelligence Service began a surveillance operation focussing on Salahi and his associates, but Salahi noticed two pinhole cameras poking through his apartment walls and left the country. Donald Rumsfeld told reporters that the men in Guantnamo were among the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth. But after Brandon Neelys first shift, on the day the detention camp opened, no one really spoke much, he recalled. Salahi told Wood that he had written four more books in detention, but he hadnt been allowed to take them out of Guantnamo. An earlier version of this story misidentified Canadas Security Intelligence Service. Relaxing is easy., In practice, many military-police officers killed time by watching movies and getting drunk at the Tiki Bar; they also took flights to Afghanistan, to pick up more detainees. special agent, was eager to receive the flight manifest. Everyone wants to close Guantnamo, but what will happen to the detainees? The United States released Mohamedou Ould Slahi, the author of a renowned prison memoir, after he was detained for more than 14 years in Jordan, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo, and returned him. For Wood, the trip became something more complicated than a visit to a friend. Though Salahi was a skilled electrician, he hired Yacoub to fix his TV. 17k Followers, 1,031 Following, 371 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mohamedou Ould Salahi (@mohamedououldsalahi) . In 2004, Steve Wood was deployed to Guantnamo Bay, as a member of the Oregon National Guard. After that, whenever anybody tried to explain anything to the guy, he always asked, Compare it with the rat: Is it bigger? He walked into the sleeping area and found Salahi lying in the fetal position, shaking. Seven or eight of his ribs were broken. When Salahis female interrogators came in for a game of Monopoly, Salahi always threw the match. Its hard to sit there and laugh and chat with the guy, if hes actually that bad, Wood told me. In the U.S., it was morning. Eventually, one of the interrogators told Salahi that he was going to be sent to Mauritania for more questioning. Few people worked out at two or three in the morning, so he had plenty of time to continue his self-education on global affairs. He was driven around for three hours, to make him think that he was being transported to a different facility. Neely later found out that the elderly detainee had jerked because, when he was forced to his knees, he thought he was about to be shot in the back of the head. On the night of July 19, 2002, the Jordanians transported Mohamedou Salahi, blindfolded and in chains, to the airport in Amman, where a new team took over. I want to go to a country where I can enjoy my freedom, he said. But Amanda is an American, and so their son is now a citizen of the country whose purported values Salahi wants to believe in but has never seen. The devotion, the routine of the five daily prayersthat kept Mohamedou going, Wood told me. Oh, Allah, have mercy on me! one of them said, mockingly. The International Committee of the Red Crosswhich has access to many of the worlds most notorious detention sites, some of them in countries where there is no rule of lawhad recently sent representatives to Guantnamo, but the base commander, citing military necessity, had refused to allow them into Echo Special. They stripped, and rubbed their bodies all over his, and threatened to rape him. 2023 Cond Nast. I was living literally in terror. Neely jumped on top of him, and forced his face into the concrete floor. He said he was going to bring in black people, Salahi recalled, in the military hearing. International . The U.S. had fired cruise missiles at Al Qaeda-linked targets in Sudan and Afghanistan, and, in a bid to capture Abu Hafs, the C.I.A. It was January 11, 2019exactly seventeen years since the first detainees had arrived at Guantnamo Bay. I dont like power, he said. A week after Salahi began leading prayers at the Al Sunnah mosque, Ressam drove a rental car onto a U.S.-bound ferry in Victoria, British Columbia. The fragmented image of Mohamedou Salahi that United States military, law-enforcement, and intelligence agencies assembled in a classified dossier was that of a highly intelligent Mauritanian electrical engineer, who, as a key al-Qaida member, had played a role in several mass-casualty plots. One day, Salahi started requesting paper from his guards. I executed orders. Mauritania is an Islamic republic, with rich traditions in poetry and recitation that belie its dismal rates of literacy and economic growth. He slept in remote villages, and entrusted his life to Afghan sheepherders who were presumably unaware of the twenty-five-million-dollar bounty on his head. You know, when you just fall asleep and the saliva starts to come out of your mouth? Salahi said. Then he was prescribed antidepressants. The Mujahideen are committed to not carry out any military activity in Mauritania, the letter saysas long as the Mauritanian government released imprisoned fighters, abstained from attacking Al Qaeda cells abroad, and paid the group between ten and twenty million euros per year, to compensate and prevent the kidnapping of tourists. (The Mauritanian government has denied that it negotiates with terrorist groups.). Slahi . Not long afterward, in mid-November, Salahis boss sent him to Mauritanias Presidential palace, to install Internet routers and update the phones. He added that, as the worlds most powerful democracy, the United States had the means to uphold and pressure other countries to uphold human rights. In 2005, during the military hearing, Salahi had urged the presiding officer not to send him back to Mauritania. But, with every day going by, the optimists lost ground, he wrote. Military doctors offered to take care of it, but Salahi declined; his release date was only a couple of months away, and he wanted to get the surgery on his own terms, once he was free. Result, they were very reluctant to torture me his brothers were thrown into the area... There, Abu Hafs spent two months in custody, claimed that had... Recalled his political views as being whatever Fox News told us been to. When Salahis female interrogators came in for a wonderful evening!, Ive done,. 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