While its possible to connect to any deity, you should avoid those associated with violence and evil. I forgot the lessons he taught me as a child and even grew to resent him for a time. My head was tilted up as if I was "looking" up at him and I didn't get any threatening or bad vibes but a quiet and enigmatic intensity and I got the sense that this energy wanted me to know it was there. Make sure what you learn and eventually teach comes from a place of compassion and love, as this is the kind of world you want to help create. Thank you. Aug 14 "Zeus is the King of the Gods and the God of the sky, weather, law and order, destiny and fate, and kingship." Wine Whiskey Milk Tea Coffee Small cakes Breads Red meat Scaled fish Fruit Rain water Frankincense, myrrh, or rain sceneted incense Silver, blue, white, and/or gold candles Figures of eagles and bulls Symbols of a thubderbolt May 2021 Before we continue, I want to define what sign means in a religious sense. I wondered if there was any way that I could stop myself from over-analysing and know that anything that I might see outside of my dreams is correct, as I am quite new to deeply exploring other faiths. cause the flame is very high too. May 2020 In groups people tend to listen to what they have to say, and while their power can be somewhat intimidating, their gentle natures assure others that everything will be okay. A few weeks ago I had Reoccurring dreams surrounding newborn puppies. Now there are always gnats somewhere in my house no matter how much I clean but that's because I have Guinea Pigs and I'd have to remove them for a few days in order to completely clear out their area rather than cleaning it in chunks. July 2019 March 2022 Those of the sign of Hermes are blessed with creativity and a wonderful imagination, making them one of the most creative signs of all. Unlike his father, Odin , who was primarily worshipped as a patron of the ruler caste in Norse societies, Thor was a god for all Norse people - kings, warriors, vikings, and farmers alike. If you have a divination tool, use it. The god's thunderbolts crashed into it, pushing it back against Typhoeus and breaking his body. that's no how it works. Musicians and writers by nature, if they can spend their free time with loved ones and help them to enjoy their days, they become truly happy. For example, the term zodiac derives from the Greek words zodiakos kyklos, which means circle of animals. In Greek, the zodiac signs are called Zodia, due to the word Zodion which means little animal. Later these signs became associated with stories from Greek mythology and each were linked to specific Greek deities, some of whom youve heard of, and possibly some of whom youve not. Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and shes personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life. Whether you are looking for spells for love, wealth, protection, or more, we can help you and solve your problems in a matter of days! r/Witchcraft is a welcoming and inclusive space in which to share knowledge, discuss, ask questions, and further the progression of witchcraft as well as the individual's path. Because of this, Zeus married Aphrodite to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths who was not very beautiful and often was depicted as deformed, as Zeus in his wisdom sought to teach through this pairing. February 2021 The key to remember is that healthy relationships are not always 100% perfect, but they take the time to work on and learn how to communicate in healthy ways, and how to treat each other kindly. this wildly varies in different ideologies and approaches to spirituality, but the main issue lies in your attitude, I believe. He was strong, energetic, young, and a proud warrior. All are welcome, those who practice witchcraft and those who wish to learn. This really helped me a lot thank you . Thanks so much Ashley! You can also read hundreds of different testimonials that you can find at each spell.Below you'll find spells you can order and what it is this month's special spell casting! then like either later that day or the next day i found a penny on the ground tails side up and i picked it up and kept it, sort of fidgeting with it while in a store, it dropped about four or five times and every single time is dropped it landed heads side up. Olympians / Zeus. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My strategies can be broken down into two questions: To illustrate what I mean, Ill include examples of my signs from Ninhursag (Sumerian Goddess) back in November 2019. Son of Zeus and Hera (Zeus's wife and sister), Ares was a veritable wild child, causing reckless havoc and destruction wherever he went. There are three main signs that a God is calling you into Their service. If it is a sign, how do you know that its Hades? That's fascinating! Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st) Athena Goddess of intelligence, skill, peace and warfare. Do you have any advice? The connection between you and your deity can be made over a period of time. recently I have started to think that this interest might be a sign. Why? You know what that phrase sounds like: "It's not fair that he gets to do that and I don't!" "It's not fair that it's easy for her and not for me." "It's not fair that their kids got the award . In my dreams they were still pink and their eyes had yet to open. What Is A Sign? It is also associated with angst and judgment. Maybe look into the egyptian god Anubis!! Ganymede was also considered to be the most beautiful of all mortal men. They also deeply love their homes, personal space, and children. Hermes share several similar qualities as Geminis, such as being witty, intelligent, resourceful, charming, and versatile. He is respected and revered by all. Find out which god claims you and enter a world of adventure and find friends for life! you could easily tell that they were dead because one of them was decapitated and the head was by my mailbox and then there was another one laying in my yard and a huge part of the yard had dead grass around it where the blood spill should've been. The final function of myth is pedagogical, which means they are tools which contain lessons on living. Ask if X deity is reaching out to you. Despite being the Goddess of Marriage, she was known to be jealous and vengeful towards the many lovers and offspring of her husband Zeus. Family for our Best Quotes, Stories (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is ruled by the planet Mars. December 2020 Those of the sign of Hestia will do anything for their family members and for those they love. After my scrying experience, I tested Ninhursags message with my rune set. Be careful not to let your ambitions as a Sagittarii override your consideration for others. Since the holiday was coming up, few people would want to bring pastries into work because theyd be busy cooking for their families. Hello, Apollo was the god of music, song, poetry, prophecy, archery, healing, and protector of young ones. I'm so glad this helped you! If nothing else, having another source confirm your experience will be reassuring. Review your request; was it too specific? hi! & many more results. Their specific significance is not entirely clear, but she is often associated with the rooster, dove, eagle, and serpent. 1 decomposing seagull Lets return to the original question: is it a sign? For example, an owl may represent Athena. #1: Zeus #2: Poseidon #3: Hades #4: Artemis #5: Aphrodite #6: Athena Dozens of kids in the comments: "Is this a sign? Taurus and Hestia are connected in several ways: those within this sign are loving, caring, dedicated, patient, supportive, and loyal just like the mother-like Goddess who takes care of the home. Leo (July 23rd to . while i was there i found a cow scull, he never owned any cows so i thought it was really odd. Its ruling planet, Mars, was adapted by the. Put down the books, close your browser and just follow your animal instincts. This Is What It Means For You. In one myth, Ninhursags lover, Enki, lay dying. The chase continued throughout the Mediterranean. Apollo, byname Phoebus, in Greco-Roman mythology, a deity of manifold function and meaning, one of the most widely revered and influential of all the ancient Greek and Roman gods. Gods on Coins. Thus, the king of Olympus blessed Zodiac Signs - every single one of them - with one particular gift. Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans Kronos and Rhea. December 2021 If youre born in the sign of Artemis, you are kind, compassionate, calm, gentle, dedicated, strong when you need to be and nurturing of those in need. I had asked the Universe for a Guide to help me through my witchcraft, and the following week I was in the woods. However, he's also indulgent and puts his desires before considering others. Just something thatll say that the deity heard you. The symbols struck on coins were chosen carefully. Do you know of any gods or goddesses would associate with this sign? signs zeus is your deity. He was born of Zeus and Hera. Ares is a representation of competition and masculine fire energy, similar to the current Zodiacs Aries known for his fiery and powerful energy. ive offered him a stuffed giraffe {thought im not sure if he accepted it or not? } September 2021 Youre able to remain humble while having achieved much in life, and your kindness takes your beautiful nature to the next level. I hope this article has helped you. Dogs are associated with many deities, from Fenrir to the Morrigan to Ares to Set. Cronus swallowed all of His children as they were born, but when Zeus was born, Rhea hid Him and gave His father, Cronus, a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to swallow instead. Aries: Ares (The God of War) Ares, also known as Mars in the Roman language, was the god of war. Heres an example with Ninhursag. January 2020 I immediatly grabbed a candle, turned off the lights and had a conversation. Materialism and possessions are not the most important thing in your life, and youd rather have treasured experiences with loved ones and those kinds memories decorating your surroundings. You may pick up on signs that you missed before after you know how They communicate. That being said, he isn't without weaknesses and he has had a number of rivals who he has good reason to fear. Taking time to learn how to do this yourself, and finding someone who is willing to do the same with you, even if theyre not the most beautiful person youve ever seen, you can be sure that their heart will stay loyal to you and youve found someone special. You can also make an altar dedicated to a particular deity, if you feel it is appropriate for you. there's nothing wrong with the water When I first decided to go more in depth I was wanting a teacher, or a guide to help me. Ive just gotten into it not too long ago so i dont really know how to communicate with the deities. Can Zeus be my deity and how would I do that. Spirit Work Zeus, of course, is also the actual father of several demigods in Greek lore. When I light it it start flickering but my other aren't doing it. While your mind is powerful, your balance comes from staying in your heart and drawing your wisdom from a place of love within. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. it's not the first time Ive had "conversations" with what i think is my spirit guide or a deity but i just can't tell if it's me being hopeful or batshit crazy. March 2021 He has sharp eyes and a contemplative look. Ares was always ready for war, and Aries natives bear many characteristics similar to those of this Greek God. I interpreted common animals and flowers as signs from a God. 6 seashells with coral (Take the test to find out). If you've ever wondered which cabin you should be in at Camp Half-Blood, then this is the quiz for you! Controlling earthquakes, floods, drought, and horses, Poseidon was also a son Kronos and brother to Zeus. The most beautiful of all the Gods, her charm was known to be able to win the favor or anyone or anything. Apollo was also linked with medicine and healing, and those in his sign are able to help and heal others through various means. Your Zodiac Sign As A Greek God: Libra to Pisces CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) Athena. Theyre able to come up with witty and interesting things on the spot and can talk themselves through many situations where others may not be able to. How would I get him to me my deity, I really want to get into deity work and I just want to know because there is a goddess I want as my deity (iris) and Zeus. Some signs are blatantly obvious while others can be very subtle. According to Greek mythology, Artemis was usually portrayed as a young maiden always carrying a hunting bow and arrows. Those born under the sign of Libra are ruled by the planet Venus which is connected to Aphrodite. This wonderful ability allows you to rise to leadership positions in your career and social circle of friends. Remember: a deitys disappointment is not the end of the world. Definitely going to ask for one more sign. Offer one to her, after you intorduce yourself, and see what happens. Also, give the Gods a time limit. This parallels the almost universal notion that the two heavenly bodies are the eyes of the sky god, a belief also well present in Egypt with the god Horus and India with Shiva. Dismiss, A Bowl of Love: A Spell to Strengthen or Renew Love, DIY Invisibility Spell (Step-by-Step Guide). See Also: Were You Born Between Signs On Cusp? sorry for the horrible sectioning and the constant jumping from topic to topic, Article: "I can't tell you whether you received a sign because they're so personal to each individual" Zeus is ambitious and idealistic; core traits for any leader. Ask if you have any other responses from said deity. Who could blame them for remaining a bit skeptical? I would never, under any circumstances, discourage doubt. Cronus swallowed all of His children as they were born, but when Zeus was born, Rhea hid Him and gave His father, Cronus, a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to swallow instead. I knew and have known who he is, I have always had a curiosity about him. Necromancy Does birth mean anything significant to you or your faith? Zeus is the Olympian god of the sky and the thunder, the king of all other gods and men, and, consequently, the chief figure in Greek mythology. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Contrary to popular belief, if you want to confirm the sign, you need to doubt it. 19th February 2020. Scorpios sign is associated with the Greek God Hades (Haides), brother of Zeus and king of the underworld. I don't think you have my best interest at heart. The skyfather Zeus is the ultimate symbol of heavenly might and authority. He had a gold staff, and his eyes were glowing white, and as soon as he looked down at me, lightning went into the top of his staff. For months now, I've seen 2 flies anywhere I go to eat out. Similarly, Zeus is connected with lightning but is also the god of protection for humanity and a widely accepted father figure for both humans and other gods. We see this through a contrast with Prometheus, who closes the play in the company of his friends. Yes, intuition plays a strong role in deity contact. In one of the first books I was reading it mention deities and something in me just clicked and I haven't been able to stop researching. Sometimes moody and unstable as the weather, those born under the sign of Poseidon tend to be sensitive, highly intuitive, and tend to prefer solitude when compared to large social gatherings. For instance, with Hades, it could start with an interest in necromancy or the Afterlife, or even feeling the need to do shadow work. Take one step at a time, doing small things with great love to those nearest to you, and work your way out to including kindness towards people you dont know and may never even see again. I've been attracted to the sunlight and even if I'm dead asleep, I wake up to the sunrise. When you're impatient, it's like you're saying, "God, I don't really trust you. As I found this article I was just talking about how I was having trouble deciding whether or not I should listen to them. Scorpios are often said to be mysterious, powerful and seductive, and while Hades was the God of the underworld, he was also deeply loyal, as one of the only Greek mythological figures to stay committed to only one bride. Zeus is the Hellenic King of the Gods who rules from His throne on Mount Olympus. Hi Ive been having signs that a god or goddess is trying to contact me. I asked her what promted her to post such an image and she said she thought it was a beautiful piece of art! Zeus, the best-known god of Olympus, rules the sign of Sagittarius. Ive always been interested in witchcraft and mythology but I just never really got to it so I have no idea what to do and what is happening, is this normal, do I need a psychologist - Ive also never felt something so clearly being by my side. Signs Freya is Calling You Freya is one of the most important and beloved goddesses of the Norse pantheon. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the god of sky, thunder, winds, clouds and many more, whom from his throne on Mount Olympus, ruled over god and man alike, maintaining order and justice in the universe as the king of the gods. Ares parents were two of the most powerful gods in Greek mythology, but his relationship with both was less than ideal. and Compassion. Similar to Scorpio, those in the sign of Hades are intense, passionate, trustworthy and caring. What are some signs that a deity has called upon you? If youve ever wondered why divination is so prevalent in the Pagan community--this is why. Like the king of the gods, Sagittarii suffer from a similar duality in personality. Youll have to test it. I spent a lifetime searching for him, through multiple religions and spiritualities. It was possible, specific, and give Her a reasonable time frame. Theyve been doing this for thousands of years, after all. Other witches may have different patron saints and angels they weave into their practice while yet others work with demons. Dionysus was the son of Zeus and contains what Greeks considered both feminine and masculine qualities. Is this a sign from Hades? This is an example of a generic occurrence, not a specific one. That's why I came to this article. This Is What It Means For You. Thanks! Youre often able to see the overlooked suffering of others, which makes you a truly compassionate human being. Jesus spoke very little throughout the scenes leading up to his crucifixion. Most of them are, at first glance, everyday occurrences. I currently work with Aphrodite but the past two months she has not communicated with me or accepted any offerings, which is worrying. Or, it could be a miracle regarded as evidence of a supernatural power. I had forgotten about it in the meantime, but when I saw those cookies come in two days before Thanksgiving, I knew it was Ninhursag. This was an incredibly insightful read and I definitely will be taking more time to "talking to the goddess" more and incorporating divination too. He grew up to become the Greek god of war, personifying all the rage and anger that made up the worst aspects of battle and conflict. Just as the waves lapping on the shore refresh and renew the beach, Aphrodite brings us hope and awareness of the transforming power of love and beauty. Throughout the scenes leading up to his crucifixion, he & # x27 ; s thunderbolts crashed it. Truly compassionate human being and a contemplative look a lifetime searching signs zeus is your deity him, through multiple and. And Aries natives bear many characteristics similar to those of the keyboard shortcuts however he... Skyfather Zeus is the ultimate symbol of heavenly might and authority that & # ;! Following week I was having trouble deciding whether or not? of Zeus and what! 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