This course fulfills the physical education credit requirement, and an application is required. If a student is unable to provide their own camera, a limited number of cameras are available upon request. By investigating an image set of 250 works, students develop a contextual understanding of art history from a global perspective. Students will produce a wide range of content spanning from logos, magazine covers, promotions, and social media content. The ensemble develops individual playing skills and musical understanding through the study of literature ranging from Early Baroque to contemporary styles. The course prepares students for the AP Calculus BC College Board exam. We explore all types of tap from standard basics like Singing in the Rain to funky rhythm tap as seen in Bring In Da Noise. This class is open to all grade levels and can be taken as either Fine Arts or Physical Education graduation requirement. Theory and practice will be combined to introduce the students to the principles and techniques of performing ballet, lyrical, musical theater, hip hop, jazz styles, and basic stage movement. (Sophomore-Senior) From the creation of the first cities in the Neolithic Revolution, to its vital role today supporting an ever-growing global population, food has played a key role in the history of humankind. The emphasis of the course will be on linear motion, forces, energy, and mechanical waves, as well as laboratory skills, the scientific method, and oral and written presentation of laboratory investigations. This course will also provide students with the opportunity to shadow a medical professional. Furthermore, students will fulfill all their Serviam requirements for the year throughout this course. This is an ideal survey course for students considering a college degree in economics, business or management. Students will develop a deep understanding of these big ideas through the application of seven science practices which are reinforced through a minimum of 16 hands-on lab investigations. Come with your own special gifts and talents. Students glaze and fire their work and continue their study of the historical development of ceramics. Assessments include tests and quizzes, discussion prompts, and group and individual projects. (Junior-Senior) This course presents a multi-representational approach to the concepts of elementary calculus. The class is conducted mainly in Spanish. Students discover how the sacraments fulfill our human need for physical manifestations of the spiritual. Students analyze the impact of fiscal and monetary policies as well as the debates surrounding the implementation of each. Students will be introduced to the history, art, geography, movies, major artists and authors of China and Mandarin Chinese-speaking regions and countries. *Note: The Upperclassmen Life Skills class is required for the Classes of 2024-2027. Students are expected to move at a fast pace and work with authentic materials to make cultural connections as they work more on integrated performance assessments. The New Testament will focus on a survey of the gospels and the letters of Paul. The class will also give you some basic sewing skills, which you will use to create your own personal project. Since 1896, Ursuline has prepared young women for college and beyond by nurturing their souls, intellects, hearts, and imaginations. Since 1893, Ursuline Academy has served as an academic cornerstone in Wilmington, teaching, inspiring, and developing our students to become . It includes the study of vectors and analytic geometry in 3-space. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language. Real-world case studies, talks by industry professionals and current UT McCombs business students, original research, student presentations, and rigorous evaluations will prepare students for success beyond the classroom. This project-based course also focuses on developing informal speaking and writing skills necessary to write emails, read short stories and advertisements. (Sophomore-Senior) In this class, students build on the knowledge and skills learned in Photography I-III while exploring advanced photographic techniques and equipment in a variety of shooting situations. (Freshman-Sophomore) This course is designed to guide students throughout the many dimensions of Wellness (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, occupational, and social) and provide an atmosphere to discuss and learn about how to live a healthy and stress-free life. These creative exercises support a working knowledge of each element and allow students to explore a variety of mediums and art forms including drawing, painting, and collage. For the courses listed below, students can only receive a credit of PE. Using writing as a process through which students can articulate their ideas more clearly, they will also gain experience in revising and editing their own work as well as the work of others. This course fulfills the physical education credit requirement. *Note: Life Skills is required for the Class of 2027. Four overarching ideas, or themes, provide the main organizing structure of the course. Students are encouraged to take the AP exam and are required to participate in the National French Contest. There is also a study of statistical inference starting with an introduction to confidence levels, significance tests, and errors, extending into inference for distribution and proportions. Both hand-drawn and photographic imagery are used as sources for creating these prints as students exercise creativity and broaden their art portfolio. In this course, students write both formally and creatively in Arabic. The student must commit to these performances at the beginning of the year. Thematically the course will consider the heros journey as a metaphor for self-discovery and coming of age. All these skills will culminate into a final project fit to hit the runway! Participation in the annual National Spanish Examination and/or special projects is required. Strong verbal ability is recommended. (Junior) This is an inquiry-based course that introduces students to the world of living things. Students learn the proper process involved in stacking, or layering thin sheets of colored glass, to create their own artistic designs as they develop patterns or simple images. It will further strengthen overall language proficiency and cultural knowledge through more advanced vocabulary and structures. It focuses on low-impact, high-intensity movements designed to strengthen your body in ways that few other workouts can. Our current heritage gallery, just outside the Kiva, provides an opportune space for students to show what they learn throughout the class, as well as to contribute to the library and archive of UA. Lessons on cultures, religions, languages, literature, economics, politics, geography, the environment, and humanitarianism reach far beyond the classroom. The class will cover construction techniques, various locomotion systems, basic electronics, programming, and sensor-based control systems. The relationship between the derivative and the definite integral is explored through the fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Clogging is a type of energetic dance practiced in the United States, in which the dancer's footwear is used percussively. (Junior-Senior) French is the international language of business and diplomacy. Students also learn about the elements of art and the principals of design with special emphasis in color and unity. The focus is to strengthen the overall language proficiency and cultural knowledge to advance to a Novice-High level of performance, as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. In this course, students will develop an understanding of what vocation means in the Catholic tradition, including the universal call to holiness and the universal vocation of love. (Freshman-Senior) This semester-long performance course gives the student a crash course in musical theatre. In this course, we will examine the body through an exercise lens. Students also learn how to edit photos in Adobe Photoshop and apply this tool for self-expression. (Sophomore-Senior) This course will provide an introduction to U.S. history centering on the experiences of women. This class may be taken for a Pass/Fail option. The Ursuline administrator monitors tests and periodically checks in with the students. Students complete the class with a portfolio of approximately four to five works of art. The activities include mechanical engineering (robotics, ballistic devices and drones), civil engineering (drafting, architecture and construction), systems and logistics, computer engineering (digital logic design, coding, and 3D printed structures) and biomedical engineering. Students use teamwork, group online seminars, one-on-one conferences with the teacher, and a variety of engaging activities and experiential projects to meet individual needs. Fall Semester Classes Start September 11, 2023, Mid-Semester Report Published November 10, 2023, Quarter 2 Ends and Final Day to Complete Semester December 15, 2023, Semester I Report Published December 22, 2022, Mid-Semester Report Published March 15, 2024, Quarter 4 Ends and Final Day to Complete Semester April 26, 2024, Semester II Report Published May 3, 2024. After school practices may be scheduled throughout the semester. By the end of the course, students will gain a better understanding of why these methods are important and why they have endured. This course, taught entirely in French, is an introduction to the culture of business and professional relationships in the Francophone world. The Theology Department shapes the atmosphere, structure, and spiritual culture of Ursuline Academy of Dallas so that it fosters the spiritual development and intentional discipleship of our students. Jesus has called upon us to build his kingdom on earth. The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents by Lisa Damour Untangled by Lisa Damour Under Pressure by Lisa Damour Enough As She Is by Rachel Simmons Students are working towards Advanced level of proficiency as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Students leave this course having gained an understanding of how AI can help us make better decisions and build smarter technology. The course is designed to build and develop a stronger understanding of the Arabic language and its culture. In this course, students write both formally and creatively in Chinese. (Sophomore) This course, The Female Voice, will explore common themes concerning female authors and protagonists representinga wide range of diverse cultural backgrounds to offer students many perspectives on the female voice. (Freshman-Senior) In this year-long film study class, students explore a world increasingly shaped by moving images. (Senior) This course is designed to be a fast-paced class for seniors who are interested in health-related carriers, such as medicine, nursing, physical therapy, or athletic training. Spring Research Seminar: In this seminar, students answer a theoretical or ethical question. It is designed for the ambitious math student looking to either develop a strong foundation in calculus, preview the AP Calculus AB curriculum over the summer, or advance to AP Calculus BC the following school year. Pronunciation and basic grammatical structures will be covered. Students will develop presentational skills in compositions and presentations of social issues. Designed for students with some experience at the Novice level of Spanish proficiency, this class is a fast-paced review of the basic skills of language: listening, speaking, writing, and reading. All students enrolled in this class must have parental permission to use power tools and must agree to use all safety procedures and protocols. Your spiritual life will be nurtured and developed. Activities meeting this condition are: Cistercian Cheer, and Jesuit Cheer. (Sophomore-Senior) This course builds on the Computer Programming I course and introduces more advanced Python programming concepts such as math functions, random numbers, looping constructs and lists. They will learn how the three elements come together to create a production. Class attendance and promptitude are crucial for the class and part of the students grade. Bound by Sisterhood. The main objective of the course is to provide students with enough pertinent vocabulary and grammatical structures so that they can communicate in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes. The curriculum covers a wide range of areas, so it appeals to a diverse group of students. This course will explore how literature addresses humans relationship with and need for hope. The course begins with a review of the cursory presentation of several sciences that form the framework for a solid scientific understanding of the environmental problems in the world today. (Freshman-Senior) This is an introductory course that studies the theory and practice of make-up design and its application for stage. The course prepares students for the AP Statistics College Board exam. The Ursuline Athletic Department is made up of many parts but none more . (Sophomore-Senior) Inside Nazi Germany will focus on the central question of whether Nazism is a uniquely German experience or a potential danger to any highly developed society. MAY 2016. Students explore different means of representing information digitally and how our digital world has evolved. (Junior) In the fall, this course guides students to better understand how Jesus is personally and visibly present in the actions of the sacraments. (Sophomore-Senior) What does the term Latino/a/x mean, and who exactly does the term represent? Students learn through project-based units in which they develop an understanding of data analysis, sampling, correlation/causation, bias and uncertainty, probability, modeling with data, making and evaluating data-based arguments, the power of data in society, and more. As role models and mentors, they are focused on your needs and dedicated to your success. It challenges students to ask hard and honest questions concerning their actions and moral choices as young disciples living in the 21st century. How does the evolution of their identities over time provide us with insights into past and current social and political movements? Students learn fundamental programming concepts such as variables, function design and control flow with an emphasis on graphics. The musical literature studied ranges from Renaissance to contemporary, and major performances are presented each semester. Appearance is important; students are expected to wear clean clothes to class to contribute to the pre-professional atmosphere. Students not only begin to use the computer to type Chinese characters, but they also learn how to write Chinese Hanzi characters by hand. (Junior-Senior) This course is designed to examine the principles of human behavior, the challenges of human experience, and the universal aspects of our diverse global society. Basketball - Junior Varsity vs. Little Miami High School (Home) 11:00 AM. The study of Psychology offers useful insight into the behavior and mental processes of oneself and others. 4. (Sophomore-Senior) In this class, students explore a variety of painting mediums including watercolor, acrylic, and oil paint. Honors laboratory exercises emphasize great care in observation and measurement, the preparation of data tables and their interpretation. We teach all types of tap from standard basics like Singing in the Rain to funky rhythm tap as seen in Bring In Da Noise. This class is open to all grade levels and can be taken as either Fine Artsor Physical Education graduation requirement. Influences such as patronage, politics, class, belief systems, gender, ethnicity and cross-cultural interactions inform students analysis of the style and content of art. Laboratory work involves equipment familiarity, experimental design and analysis of results in graphical, mathematical and conceptual formats. Students completing this course develop the experience and technical skills necessary to succeed in AP Studio Art. (Freshman) Shark Tank is an introduction to business, allowing students to explore the most popular college major for women. Students will have opportunities to enrich understanding, and experiment with application of knowledge as they explore all aspects of theatre production, as well as explore some theatre history and literature. In addition, we encourage student agency in the visual arts and design to instill confidence in using the visual language of art in a diverse and changing world. The course is taken with the idea in mind that students will take the AP Exam to receive college credit equivalent to the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. The emphasis of the course will be on linear motion, forces, energy, mechanical waves, momentum, projectile motion, and circular motion. This course also focuses on developing informal speaking and writing skills necessary to write emails and application letters, read short stories and advertisements, and exchange currency. There are many ways to develop your intellectual gifts at Ursuline: Ursuline Academys outstanding college preparatory curriculum offers Honors and AP courses in every core subject area. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Houston's Christopher Burnett determines how bad the damage can be. Beginning with AIs foundation in data science, this course explores the world of AI, its key technologies, and the concerns guiding its use. Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, managers will also receive P.E. There is a strong focus on applying their knowledge of the language into authentic situations. In addition, students will analyze and contextualize works of art. Founded in 1874, Ursuline is an independent Catholic, 9-12 college preparatory school for young women sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters. This course is designed to continue improving the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, with a conversational focus. This course is intended to prepare students for the AP Physics II exam in May. Spring sports include Soccer, Basketball, Bowling, Swimming, Softball, Track and Field Tennis, Golf, Crew, and Lacrosse. This course may be repeated one time for credit. Thematically the course will consider the heros journey as a metaphor for self-discovery and coming of age. The magazine format and graphic design require good photograph editing and cropping skills to create designs that are visually appealing and effective. The combination of relaxation, general body toning, flexibility, and meditation gives the student an awareness of their enhanced human potential. Students explore the science of criminology by using a combination of science disciplines. Students explore topics of their choosing that focus on specific Asian and Pacific Islander communities (e.g. Arabic,to share my identity and culture and to prepare my studentsfor a global society, and Math, for its beauty and connection to the real world., I just want to be the best teacher I can be every single day for my students., "The greatest impact of being a teacher at Ursuline is the opportunity to walk with my students as they discover the person that God meant them to be. In course 2719, the student can receive credit Physical Education or elective credit once PE requirements are met. Students are working towards the goal of reaching a Novice-high level of proficiency or higher, as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Issues are organized into five major themes: Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and Human-Nature Interactions. (Sophomore-Senior) Based on UT-Austin's Introduction to Business course, this class will introduce students to the topics covered in college-level business classes. This course may be repeated once for credit. ", Student Council is not onlyan opportunity to demonstrate my leadership skills, but is also the greatest way to develop my people skills. Students will also be prepared to take the AP Human Geography test. Ursuline Academy (New Orleans), an all-girls high school and elementary school in Louisiana. This course will work on improving the students confidence in reading and interpreting Arabic text and communicating with others. This course is designed to improve the development of the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The course is based on first semester introductory college physics and is designed for students planning to enter life science or pre-med programs in college. Finally, they have created and tested something useful of their own design or are able to defend a position based on their own research. Students will select a project to accomplish specific goals outlined at the beginning of the semester. The course will begin with early indigenous and enslaved accounts of life in North America and continue by revisiting major events through womens eyes. (Junior-Senior) Through a wide variety of practical problems, conceptual questions, and visualizations, students learn how to think about vectors, the spaces in which vectors live, and linear mappings between those spaces. Although stagecraft is exclusive to the theatrical world, the skills needed go well beyond the imaginary fourth wall. AP Macroeconomics is recommended for juniors and seniors. Dancers will perform in 1-2 dance recitals each school year. There is no additional charge for these classes. Part of the discipline of dance includes appropriate rehearsal and performance wear which makes an enforced dress code essential for dance class. The course concludes with an introduction to calculus through limits. This course is open to all faith traditions and meets during a designated class period. Throughout the semester, each student will create multiple poems and short stories generated by prompts based on form, style, subject and in class exercises. Ursuline Academy does not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin. Students gain knowledge and skills to prepare them for any of their future life paths once they leave Ursuline. Students will explore a variety of exercises and activities to develop creativity, confidence, and cooperation. (Sophomore) In the fall semester, students will reflect upon some of the most crucial questions about the Christian faith: How does what happened in the garden of Eden affect the world we live in today? Greater emphasis on complex, thesis-driven essays, as well as on long-term reading assignments, will further prepare them for college-level work. The Mathematics Department strives to develop students mathematical analysis and critical thinking skills so they can confidently pursue their goals and explore diverse fields of interests. In addition, the study of U.S. history provides the student with a better understanding of Americans role in an interconnected world. The course ultimately aims at instilling the value of sacraments as tools to help us on our journey to heaven and as personal experiences of Christ's grace. One Schoolhouse gives quarter grades. (Freshman-Senior) This is a performance class. From the colonial era to the present, students will examine turning points in American history and the key role women have played, and continue to play, in shaping the nation. (Sophomore-Senior) This course will focus on the history of music from the symphonic masterpieces, through the Age of Jazz, and concluding with Western popular music (Rock n Roll and Pop). Cost for course is $1,715. This course is also intended to help them recognize the ways in which other systems of belief and practice differ from the Catholic faith. In addition to building strength, this full-body workout also develops agility and flexibility. Students study contemporary trends in ceramics while also learning to develop simple glaze calculations on the computer, assist in the loading and firing of the work, and participate in art exhibitions. Moreover, if done really well, then it can be addictively fun. Owned and administered by the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union, the academy's curriculum is based on spiritual and moral values. They will be able to draw and defend conclusions from theoretical underpinnings, contextual background, and mathematical analysis or source evaluation. Peer ministers are servant leaders who accompany their peers along the journey of faith, serving the Catholic, Ursuline identity of our school community. Through daily engagement in cultural content, students gain confidence and competence in interpersonal communication. Your body in ways that few other workouts can of U.S. history provides the student must commit to performances. Theorem of Calculus, speaking, reading and writing skills, with a better understanding of why these methods important. Has prepared young women for college and beyond by nurturing their souls, intellects, hearts and. 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