-career outlook. An investor makes money by raising capital. to determine if he needs a credit card Which of the following describes defined benefit pension plans A. $337.56 Someone buys a new boat with a loan from a boat dealer. b. a loan given for a short period of time that is not dependent on credit history b. Kanya has a credit card that gives a 6% discount on every purchase and free shipping when used online. b. Alan's lifetime income includes his salary and retirement benefits. c. See if the job offers are fair by going online and finding average salary information for chemists. The issuer could refuse to pay dividends. c. d. filing for bankruptcy, Which expense is a bank least likely to extend a line of credit for? On-the-job training takes two or more years. They both act as angel investors for start-ups. c. A grant is money borrowed by a student to pay for an education that will need to be repaid. 3,600 III. a. doctor in a clinic that serves a low-income population The loan has a duration of ten years. Select three options. Which questions should Lakesha answer before making her decision? c. an MP3 player for $35.99 and a $20.00 gift card for downloading music Julio says that in this situation, his asset is really only $45,000. a. job training after high school Jenika has the cashier run her debit card as a credit purchase, rather than debit, to avoid having to enter her PIN. I. Perkins loan $1,139.76 We collect personal information on behalf of employers to provide benefit administration services for their employee benefit plans. Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. d. Identify the choices. Fido decides to wait for a few months until his credit history improves. d. The career is shrinking and will provide fewer opportunities over time. $3,739.52, Zoe filed for bankruptcy several years ago and now wants to take out a loan for $15,200. b. a. She decides to use a credit card instead. explaining that she has many outstanding loans d. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $25.20 less than paying cash for the laptop. d. Postsecondary education includes personal skills and interests. Prices follow economic trends. c. She should contact the police about possible theft. How much interest capitalization will have accrued by the time Edgar graduates? d. a. corporate tax. II. c. It's important to keep accurate records. 358,800,000 On-the-job training is usually paid for by the employer. Toby plans to pay off each loan in monthly installments, starting from his graduation. Report them to the Better Business Bureau. Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. Personal loans offer lump sums of money, while credit cards set a maximum amount a person can borrow. c. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $50.40 less than paying cash for the laptop. Which statement (s) is (are) correct about the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)? a. Sean decides to pay his bills online because he does not like the inconvenience of finding stamps and mailing his bills. c. life-enrichment director and event planner at a retirement home However, the cost of health insurance benefits must be included in the wages of S corporation employees who own more than two percent of the S corporation (two percentshareholders). b. c. Jonah decides to pay his bill by telephone because he wants to protect his account information. $144.90, Claudius took out an unsubsidized Stafford loan at the beginning of his six-year college career. c. $260.37, Calculate the monthly payment for a 5-year car loan of $23,570 at 10.43% interest, compounded monthly. Other long-term employee benefits b. a. how much has been earned Employee Benefits Corporation is a service provider under California's privacy laws. c. the cost of gas and insurance a. Is she buying at the right time? DOL b. Personal loans offer lump sums of money, while credit cards set a maximum amount a person can borrow. Which of the following is not a true statement about filing bankruptcy? Freya realizes she does not have enough in her bank account to use the debit card. d. Fido's decision is not sensible because it does not matter if he buys the car now or in a few months. The issuer may not make a profit. There will be a late fee added to the bill. c. Joaquin should take the class because a promotion will mean a larger salary over the long term compared to a single cash advantage. What is the job outlook for a US postal worker? to determine the customer's income I, II, and III, Olivia has taken out a $13,100 unsubsidized Stafford loan to pay for her college education. a. mailing a check d. to know how much money she has for budgeting, d. to know how much money she has for budgeting. Amanda wants to buy a new car. Longs term benefits are those that benefits that are payable to employees after they complete the term of employment. d. A high-risk investment is characterized by She owns a car worth $12,000 and has $7,500 in car loans. Which of the following options could help you resolve the issue? c. $500,000 d. Check her records against her bank statement. b. Simple interest is paid on the principal, while compound interest is paid on the principal and interest accrued. Which statement describes an hourly wage job? She should research the cost of living of different locations to compare against the offered salaries. She loves working with people and volunteers in the local shelter and library on a regular basis, but she is not fond of flying. b. c. includes interest rate information b. Tamera's credit limit is most likely lower than Rupert's, and her interest rate is most likely higher. a. progressive taxes. How many different passwords are possible? The FAFSA is a form that must be completed to determine college admission (blank 1) c. Postsecondary education includes college classes and vocational training. d. b. Fido wants to buy a new car. d. She must check her credit history. Ins is ready to begin her career as a chemist. The benefits are subject to income tax withholding and employment taxes. Yes, the New York Stock Exchange is the principal exchange for the nations of the world. must repay the loan in five to ten years. a greater percentage chance of loss. credit card with a $4,000 limit to help people invest in the stock market, Iliana's gross pay is $2,130 per month. a. She should research the benefits included in each offer. A mortgage is a legal agreement between a borrower and a Since they filed bankruptcy in the past, a couple ends up paying a 12% fixed rate for a 30 year mortgage. d. identifying instances of identity theft, a. checking one's financial records against the bank's, Sara would like to open a bank account. b. a. Shona can afford the rug in store A. d. a checking account. b. a certificate of deposit d. saving to pay a tax bill in four months, c. if you are putting aside a chunk of money to purchase a house in five years, Which of these is the best reason for Nina to maintain up-to-date and accurate records of her bank accounts? She has $3,000 in investments, $2,700 in a bank account, and owes $1,500 on a credit card. b. By the time Helena graduates, how much greater will the amount of interest capitalized be than the minimum amount that she could pay to prevent interest capitalization? c. Place your old bank statements in the recycle bin. Will this cause my bank account to have a negative balance? title loan _____ is a process for enabling employees to better understand & develop their career skills & interests & to use them most effectively within the company & afterwards. Can I pay at least the minimum payment each month? b. the bank account only The face value of the policy is payable to the beneficiary upon the death of the insured. A refrigerator is priced at $1,250. Lakesha does not have enough in her bank account to use a debit card for the purchase of a bike she needs to get to work. $12,000, A password is 4 characters long and must consist of 3 letters and one number. Health insurance programs allow workers and their families to take care of essential medical needs. Allison removes one check to pay her electric bill and then locks her checkbook in the car when she goes in to pay it. Choose the correct answer. d. Scholarships can be awarded for various reasons, but federal grants are usually based on a student's financial need. Which would be most helpful when considering a large expenditure that might require repeating payments? often pay a lower interest rate during the first few years. Compound interest pays interest on the principal and the interest earned in each period. Which details apply to a financing contract? Management is concerned with tax consequences. A credit score is based in part on Is advertising influencing her? 10,000. Most students are young enough not to have much of a credit score or credit history, so a second party such as a parent or guardian can establish security of payment. a. Assets are traded. b. Shona can afford the rug in store B. The total of all deductions from her paycheck will be 25% of the gross pay. With a better credit rating, they could have gotten the loan at a rate of 8%. to be able to pay for it over time c. $623.25 $1,918.60, A person who filed bankruptcy in the past is able to get a 30-year mortgage loan at a rate that is 6% higher than what they could have received if they had not filed. Retaining Employees. A grant is money awarded to a student, usually based on financial need. e. proof of address. $225 per month for 3 years Which statement best describes the lesson we can learn from Lupe's experience? Get information. a. $600 per month for 1 year $15,135.20 What types of information does a W-2 form contain? d. Gathering information. Use the credit card with the highest interest rate. a. c. the amount of money borrowed excluding accrued interest c. What is a benefit of obtaining a personal loan? a. Fringe benefits are generally included in an employee's gross income (there are some exceptions). c. Evaluating results. Life insurance is among the top three nonmandatory benefits offered by Canadian firms with at least 10 employees. An index measures the performance of a single stock. She should use Facebook advice from friends since they know her best. c. Ignore the fee because it is relatively small. She has to decide whether to use a credit card or to finance the bike through the store. place of birth, Koshi creates a password as follows: An employer typically pays for it in order to educate an employee. a. She will have $2.93 left over. b. a. Which resource is most likely to give balanced, accurate information? 9,000 d. $2,500 d. corporate taxes. Yarin's gross pay for the year was $3,500. Which statement about the cost of the laptop is true? Lupe is a student who wants to open a bank account. Fringe Benefit Examples The consumer has the right to repeat any transaction. b. d. Check her records against her bank statement. is variable. c. local taxes. a. When people take out a mortgage, they must pay back the money c. d. Yuri must check his credit card balance. a. my recipe calls for 4/5 of a cup of flour and I want to make it 1/2 of the recipe how much flour do I need? not being able to purchase a car or home Other long-term employee benefitsare all employee benefits other than term short-employee benefits, post-employment benefits and termination benefits . the stamp collection and the bank account only Which person made the best payment decision for their preferences? These benefits are given for retirement like the life insurance, health insurance which makes the life of employee easier after retirement. The loan had a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 5.0%, compounded monthly. A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back. Simon bought a computer and made monthly payments. He will be able to find a house he likes more quickly. $1,722.22 An investor makes money by earning interest. $55.07 d. A scholarship is a form of financial aid, but a student loan is not. If having a warranty on a car is important, a person should buy a car that is (blank). to determine if the customer is likely to pay back the loan, to determine if the customer is likely to pay back the loan, Before applying for a credit card, Jacob examines his credit report. She must be sure there is at least $135 in her bank account for the purchase. She should research the cost of living of different locations to compare against the offered salaries. a. falling into debt if faced with a serious problem d. all monthly car payments, What is an advantage of renting a place to live? Which of the following steps is most effective in protecting yourself from identity theft? e. Should I talk to a consumer credit counseling service? a. identification card b. obtaining a low interest rate on a loan $3000 monthly line of credit c. car insurance rates will be higher than renter's insurance. d. $664.35 Which statement describes an hourly wage job? as soon as they can. He calculates that the extra money he pays in additional interest each year, if invested at the rate of 2.5% for one year, could earn him simple interest totaling $300. B) It is enforced by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. b. tipping. d. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $25.20 less than paying cash for the laptop. c. Fido's decision is not sensible because he needs the car right away. c. analyzing the availability of housing loans. e. Factory reproduction manager: check that products meet specifications. interest on student loans. She has a credit score of 790. d. c. increases annually. What should Daniel do next? the increased value of an asset. What should she consider in this process? $43.68 use large amounts of credit at once. d. If the business is closed for a holiday, the employee still gets paid regardless of available vacation hours. b. Generally, an employer decides which benefits are offered, which employees are eligible for each benefit, and how much of the benefit an employee may receive. What is not a potential risk of purchasing a used car? She will have $1.84 left over. An official website of the United States Government. Most students are young enough not to have much of a credit score or credit history, so a second party such as a parent or guardian can establish security of payment. Payment options for voluntary benefits include: 100% employee-paid; Partially funded by both employee and employer d. b. Make late payments. a. c. ATM withdrawal of $40 a. Mr.Collins buys a table and sofa for $2,028.The table costs 30% of the price of the sofa. In which situation would a certificate of deposit (CD) be the best banking choice? c. c. If an employer wants the employee to work more hours in a week, the result is a larger paycheck. b. It creates a base for happiness and satisfaction of the workforce that limits the labor turnover and confers a stable organization. It contains many types of information, including: b. What is the first action Lupe should take when she discovers a difference between her records and the bank's records? the economy. a. d. $1,700,000, Jared can play three musical instruments; he loves drawing, painting, and other visual arts as well. location of the company CPSC, In the wrong hands, which of the following pieces of personal information would present the greatest risk for identity theft? Which statement about postsecondary education is true? b. a. getting a high interest rate on a credit card offer d. Riley reads an agreement on the first page of her policy which includes a list of losses that will be covered by the insurer. e. how much additional tax is due The career is growing and will provide more opportunities over time. b. d. medicare tax, If a new shirt costs $34.99 and the sales tax is $2.10, the sales tax rate is c. Shona can afford the rug in store B. Kenya used a debit card to buy a pair of jeans. Keisha owns a house worth $275,000 with a mortgage of $195,000. c. federal loans must be paid back more quickly than private loans. b. c. Checking accounts are processed immediately so customer and bank records always match. b. d. Shondra should consult with a credit counseling service. Her deductions total $270. b. e. Research only the company that is closest to where she lives. Check all that apply. She worked hard to learn as much as she could about her profession. a. Which of the following best explains this statement? d. money market account, Lupe is ready to open a checking account. e. accountant for a theater, b. music teacher at a school You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Byron gives his credit card number to a telephone solicitor, but only after getting the person's name. c. a. direct deposit of a paycheck b. a. The loan has a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 7.5%, compounded monthly. a. What questions should she ask before she makes the purchase? $1,926.97 c. d. proof that she is a student In determining whether to issue a loan, banks are not allowed to ask about an applicant's Fringe View the full answer Transcribed image text: Which of the following best describes how employee benefits can be used for tax planning? b. Miranda paid off each loan by making constant monthly payments, starting with when she graduated. d. Simple interest is paid on the principal and interest accrued, while compound interest is paid only on the principal. Which answer best describes Alan's lifetime income? She should research the cost of living of different locations to compare against the offered salaries. the ability to make a profit from owning stock. Jerome likes to take stuff apart and then rebuild it. c. Form a decision. c. property tax wealthy relative. When studying finance or economics, the cost of a decision is also known as a(n). The Department of Labor's Health Benefits Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides information on the rights and protections that are afforded to workers under COBRA. employment and race. d. private loans are only available to parents, while federal loans may be issued to the student. 730,080 d. d. increasing equity over time, You have included your predicted mortgage, food, car, and gasoline expenses in your budget. 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