She is allegedly the only daughter of Margaret and Ralph White, even though it hints that Ralph may have had other children with different women. Carrie then remembered her mother's ominous words that she would be scorned once again, Miss Collin's kind words of confidence, and the incident in the shower as, in her mind, everyone at the gym laughed at her. Relatives Margaret then tormented, slapped, pushed, pulled and threw Carrie into the closet and Carrie became vulgar with her mother. These last thoughts made Carrie suddenly snap. Carrie looked at the boy with rage and he went flying off the bicycle as if an unseen force had pushed him, as he landed, he seriously got hurt. Whos laughing now, Mom? Unaware of this, Carrie believed she was bleeding to death and asked for help from the other girls. While they both recited the Lord's Prayer, Margaret stabbed Carrie and caused her to fall downstairs, backwards. Chris believed that Carrie was to blame for her being banned from going to the Prom after she became the ringleader in humiliating Carrie in the girls locker room, when she received her first period. Since Carrie had no previous knowledge about the concept of menstruation the students rejection of Carrie became even fiercer. The car exploded, killing both Chris and Billy instantly and also destroying the building, starting yet another major fire that burned all through the parking lot. Her fanaticism is proven when Carrie goes outside and sees Estelle Horan, the daughter of her neighbor, sunbathing. WebSebastian Kydd is a central character in The Carrie Diaries, in which he is portrayed by Austin Butler. Sue felt guilty for her mistreatment towards Carrie and honestly wanted to make it up to her by becoming her and deciding to sacrifice herself from going to the Prom and let Carrie take her potential Prom date. Now there are instanceswhere Carrie's special abilities manifested all by itself without her even trying. tries to tell her mother, but she is disinterested and attempts to walk away after telling her no. Later that night, Tommy picked up Carrie for the Prom as he promised, while Margaret stayed by herself and prayed silently in another room. There her own mother accused her of being a witch and tried to drown her. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. She locks Carrie in the closet and scrapes her own arms with her nails until she bleeds. She, along with Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan, serves as the main antagonist. Tricked once again, Carrie was going to simply accept what had happened and shamefully return back to her home to admit to her mother she'd been right after all. Margaret first discovers Carrie's powers, when she slams all the windows shut trapping her in and Carrie tells her, she is going to the prom. Margaret dies later in her arms, but Carrie does not bring her to the closet like Carrie in the original movie did. Clocks, dishes, plates, pictures, and other religious objects where tossed and thrown into the air, breaking and shattering as they fell to the floor. Carrie rushes to her closet, carrying her mother and stayed there as the house came down, dying. She then begins to study everything she can about her power. After that it was buried. While this happens, she always shows this smile. In all continuities, Margaret finally went off the deep end and tried to murder Carrie when she returned from the Senior Prom after killing her peers as revenge for a cruel prank involving pig's blood. After Carrie lifts her up, Carrie says she's sorry while she summons telekinetically stabbing things. Ralph's accident took place 7 months before Carrie's birth. Margaret White is the main antagonist featured in the novel and all three film adaptions. She told Carrie that she had tried to kill her twice before during the first few years of Carrie's life, but she "backslid". Plus, she always hated her parents for their sinful ways. Chris was also the most beautiful and popular girl in school whose father was a very successful and wealthy lawyer. In the original version there was a sense of self-hatred, but in the latest version that self-hatred is magnified. Carrie is also the granddaughter of John and Judith Brigham, the step-granddaughter of Harold Allison and the great-granddaughter of Sadie Cochran. After the death of 73 high school students in 1979, many people since then have left the town. As she walked home, Chris attempted to run her down with her car, but Carrie attacked her, causing the car to keel over and explode, killing Chris and Billy Nolan. The gown was a thick fabric of red crushed velvet with a princess waistline, Juliet sleeves and allowed her cleavage to slightly show. She is portrayed as less attractive than Laurie's version of Margaret, as she looks tired and deranged throughout the film. Many perish in the fire (except Ms. Desjardin) and Carrie leaves, leaving a massive trail of destruction and flames while she walks home. Carrie (1976) Updated: May 21, 2021. Carries powers gave her the thrill that she had never felt all her sad, depressing life. They also learned from this telepathythat it was Carrie White causing the destruction, regardless of if they knew or not who Carrie even was. The actress herself does the stunt for the infamous nightmare scene, after insisting on it. Angered, Carrie caused his ashtray to fall down and be knocked out by Carrie, after the principal kept calling her "Cassie". As Tommy arrived, Carrie mentally telekinetically pushed her mother onto the bed to contain her, and left after saying she loved her. Margaret also disliked her mother, Judith and her new husband, Harold Allison, because Margaret believed that both were living in sin. Carrie stood her ground and refused. Instead, she tries to drown Carrie in the bathtub of her home after Carrie returns from the prom ordeal, forcing Carrie to use her telekinesis to cause Margaret's heart to stop to save her life, where Sue later finds her with Carrie in the bathtub on the brink of death. Margaret first discovers Carrie's telekinetic powers, when she slams all the windows shut trapping her in and Carrie tells her she is going to the Prom. So in return, Carrie used her powers to slow her mother's heart down, painfully and very slowly, until eventually stopping it completely and killing her by giving her a heart attack. Age by Carolyn Steber. Patricia Clarkson as Carrie's mother Margaret White in Carrie (2002 remake). Later, when Carrie urinated in the bushes on the camp's hiking trip and came into contact with poison ivy after wiping with the wrong leaves, the kids called her "scratch a**". Moore's version of Margaret also self-harms to the extent of breaking her own skin and scratching herself until she bleeds. She serves as the main antagonist of Stephen King's novel Carrie and its three film adaptations, and the posthumous overarching antagonist of The Rage: Carrie 2. Angry by her mother's actions, Carrie decided it was time to teach her mother a lesson too. He lived with his mother and sisters, and his father wasnt present instead, his mother, Deborah (Sheri Moon Zombie), had a boyfriend named Ronnie White (William Forsythe), who was abusive. Carrie, still covered in blood, much of it being her own by now, and one of her bare feet was bleeding from stepping on a broken bottle in the streets, had the intention of finally killing her mother who had been waiting for her daughter to return to her. Margaret then makes a crazy and wicked smile, as she follows Carrie down the stairs, ready to kill her, as though she on some sort of mission. As she walks home, she unleashes her powers on the town as well, destroying several buildings and killing hundreds of people. Her mother tells her of the night she was raped and therefore conceived her. At home, Carrie's life was just as awful. Carrie telekinetically destroying most of Chamberlain! When Carrie reveals that she has been asked to go to the Prom and that she said yes, Margaret tells her not to go, which forces Carrie to throw her on to the bed. It was amazing how she kept going, despite her wounds, but she still had one last thing to do to complete her final destruction. Carrie told her mother that she wanted to live her own life and that things were going to change and be different and that she was going to the Prom with or without Margaret's permission and that no one would stop her, this was the ultimate blasphemy for her. George and Erika leave the two to dance and while Tommy wants to follow them, Carrie is scared to be in the center of attention. After years of going back and forth, I cut my mother cleanly out of my life, 13 years before she died. In the third iteration it is unclear if Carrie survived or not and is it left to the imagination. by Carolyn Steber. Winter 1979 This version of Margaret is portrayed by Piper Laurie in the 1976 film. Relatives Carrie then left the house afterwards. Sue drops to for no reason] [Sue gets back up. It has become a sick and twisted memorial of that doomed night, and a painful reminder to the community of what happened in their town all those years ago. This was a very good thing because Carrie also had a secret crush on Tommy. However, unlike the book and its 1976 film adaptation, she survives in the two later films. Perhaps the biggest difference between this depiction of Margaret and the earlier versions is how much she genuinely loves Carrie. In the sudden, brief silence, she heard something within her turn over. Carrie also tried on matching high-heel shoes and a lovely corsage to complete the look. As Mr. Fromm read a poem written by the popular student Tommy Ross, and sarcastically expressed his distaste for it, Carrie shyly commented that she thought Tommy's writing was "beautiful". Margaret White is played by Julianne Moore in the 2013 adaptation. Sissy Spacek (1976 movie)Angela Bettis (2002 TV movie)Chlo Grace Moretz (2013 movie)Linzi Hateley (1988 musical)Molly Ranson (2012 musical revival). Carrie mercilessly left the remaining Prom goers trapped inside with the now-dead Tommy to be consumed by the hellish inferno created by her telekinetic abilities and the rest was history. Like Barbara Lang, she too suffers from mental illness, however, unlike Margaret, Barbara is more laid-back, as she does not abuse her daughter. As a result, she eventually became a school counselor to help teens at a local high school. Her death causes Carrie to destroy the house with her and her mother in it dying on the way. She feels amazing, as if her whole life has led to this moment. WebDana comments on the poor medical care for pregnant women in the past, but Kevin corrects her. (Compare these latter 2 examples to the 1976 version, where Margaret coldly says "go to bed.") Carrie has a slender figure in the films while in the novel, she is described as an overweight girl. Over time, Margaret berated and abused Carrie every day for sins the child may or may not have committed and she would often make the child repeat passages out of one of her many religious books or hit and beat Carrie with them. But not one of her calls ever went through. Her husband, Ralph White, died before their daughter Carrie was born. Eventually, she comes across Chris and Billy who attempt to kill her by running her over, but she uses her power to stop the car and in the process kills Billy, then sends the car flying into the gas station, killing Chris in the process. Scientists begin to take the concept of telekinesis more seriously. After Margaret talks more to Carrie, she pulls out a knife smiling and stabs Carrie hardly on her shoulder wounding her severely. Angela Bettis was the actress who portrayed Carrie in 2002. After Carrie returns home from the Prom, Margaret then tells Carrie that before she was born, she was raped by her father, Ralph and after gaining her trust, she stabs Carrie in the back. Carrie Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. She holds Carrie's hand in the car on the way home; when she lets Carrie out of the closet, she braids her hair & says "I love you"; when she sees Carrie laying in bed, she tucks her in and says, "I won't let anyone hurt you, little girl, you're safe here with me." Although she originally got skeptical at first and went against the idea, Carrie's hesitation was quickly forgotten and she subsequently accepted Tommy's invitation because she just couldn't resist the offer at the chance to finally experience being treated as if she fit in, even if it was only for just one night. When Margaret worries and gets very upset, she begins to tempt Carrie to not go to the prom, to burn the dress with her and pray. class, Carrie gets confronted by her classmates and gets her first period. At the beginning of the film, Carrie has her first period in the showers and is harassed by Chris and her gang. She examines such questions such as whether or not she would have chosen and married Doug, who was a sloppy, overweight, blue-collar package deliveryman. Shock. Status Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. Margaret gave birth to Carrie while in her house without medical assistance, causing Margaret to lose some blood. Her relationship with her daughter was extremely abusive from the time Carrie was a baby. While Carrie is at prom Margaret slams her arm out of the crack. She then told Carrie, that boys only wanted "sex" from young girls like herself. Miss Collins arrived and stopped them, expelling the girls from the locker room. Carrie insisted she would go to the Prom, and that things were about to change for them. Originally Published: Feb. 8, 2018. One night, they had premarital sex and Margaret became pregnant. As she researched, Carrie was approached by Tommy and was asked to the Prom. lovable mort. Not only is the movie gory and vulgar, it also contains a sex scene. #1: She always has to be right. While at home, Carrie is tormented by her delusional mother (Piper Laurie), In the novel, Margaret was working at the laundry in the town. At first it was funny, until she couldn't get her breath, but the kids kept calling her a "scratch a**" and Carrie got so panicky that she began to scream for air. But instead, he finds a body hanging from the ceiling presumably Carrie's. Margaret then tried to hit Carrie again, but Carrie used her hidden telekinetic powers to stop her mother's hand in mid-air. Margaret Whites self-harm in the original version seemed like a ploy to increase the fear of her daughter. Carrie saves Miss Desjardin and Sue Snell from dying in the 2013 film. Carrie revealed she was asked to the prom by Tommy, and her suspicions that "they" were planning to humiliate her once again. Carrie went to the library to search about "miracles" and was led to better understandingof her gift. Additionally that part of the town of Chamberlain is deserted. #1: She always has to be right. She wanted to protect Carrie and not let her go out into the real world. Margaret then tells Carrie after the Prom massacre at home, that she was raped by Ralph, gains her trust and then stabs Carrie in the back. Billy's nose was broken and his torso was crushed into the steering wheel. Her death in the 1976 film and the 2002 film won the golden chainsaw award in dead meats kill count. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. In the novel, Carrie White is described as being slightly unattractive, she is a "frog among swans". The school was rebuilt elsewhere in Chamberlain and the ruins of the former school are still there. Whether it was her really miscarrying Tommy's baby or just a period caused by a side-effect from Sue's and Carrie's brief telepathic connection is unknown. Family information In self-defense, Carrie used her telekinesis to stop her by stopping her heart like in the novel. Chris then had her friends rig the ballots for Prom King and Queen to ensure that Carrie and Tommy would win the contest. WebA slave on the Weylin estate, Carrie is Sarah s daughter and the only child Sarah has left (as the others have been sold). WebHumiliated and enraged, Carrie loses control of her powers and lets loose a torrent of telekinetic energy that demolishes the school and kills several students. She survives the attempted murder, but only barely, thanks to Sue who enters the house, finds her and manages to revive her. She stabs Carrie in A seamstress, Carrie made herself a dress for the night. 2 boys caught for skipping French 1, got a weeks detention for staring at the blood. But before Carrie died, Sue invited Carrie into her mind to see that she had no part in planning the nasty joke that occurred earlier that evening, and just paired her up with Tommy as amends for locker room incident. That same day, she was contacted through a telephone about Carrie's ordeal from school and began to violently beat Carrie when she returned home from work. She has an affair with Big while he's married to Natasha and she's seriously dating Aidan, and somehow winds up feeling the most sorry for herself. Carrie then brought down the power lines, and when the snapped power wires hit the water and gas-soaked pavement, it ignited several wildfires that burned down the majority of the town's neighborhoods. As Carrie approached her mother, bloody and dirty, Margaret sat before Carrie and then told her about her miscarriage and the true story of how she considered killing herself after having premarital intercourse with Ralph. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. She took out her knife and told Carrie that she tried to kill her twice before during the first few years of her life, but didn't because she was "weak". Later, when Carrie announces that she has been asked to the prom, Margaret throws tea at her head in an attempt to dissuade her. Sissy Spacek was crowned Homecoming Queen in her teenage years. When Carrie received the ballots for King and Queen, she noticed that they were there as candidates. WebShe hurts herself when she gets angry. She was killed by her mother who immediately got killed by a heart attack via Carrie's telekinesis and brought back to life by her best friend Sue Snell in the second adaptation (2002) and it is hinted that she lives in the 2013 adaptation as well when cracks appear on her gravestone in the closing sequence. It breaks Margaret's own heart to feel like she has to treat her daughter this way; compare to the 1976 Margaret especially who seemed to take pleasure in abusing Carrie, even laughing and smiling as she did so. Updated: May 21, 2021. She then says, she thought that Carrie was a cancer when she was being born, Carrie reacts in pain and says it's awful acting a little aggressive on Margaret on the way. She uses her powers to push Ms. Desjardin away, shocking and scaring George and Erika. Ralph White (Husband)Carrie White (Daughter)John Brigham (Father)Judith Brigham (Mother) Carrie was also uncoordinated in her movements and once fell flat on her face during dance class in sophomore year and chipped a tooth. Before Carrie's father died, both Carries parents had left the local Baptist church many years before, because they believed Baptists were doing the work of "The Antichrist". Later that day, after Margaret found out about the incident from the school, she cruelly punished Carrie by beating her with a Bible, forced her on her knees with her to pray and locked her in the closet against her will for hours to ask God for "forgiveness" for having committed "the original sin" of becoming a woman due to showering naked with the other girls at school, which Margaret forbade. She is also one of the few Stephen King protagonists to die. In the end, an entire town was destroyed, taking 440 lives with it. A while later, her daughter, Carrie was conceived and Ralph was killed in a construction accident. And because of it, the citizens have come to literally hate Carrie, even in death. We also recognize that the town of Chamberlain has changed because of Carrie's rampage. She then stalked the frightened child When she told her mother, however, Margaret would scold her again for believing the others were right in "God's eyes", telling her she was committing a sin and or throw her into the closet. Good thing because Carrie also tried on matching high-heel shoes and a lovely corsage to complete the look dies in... Julianne moore in the why did carrie's mom hurt herself, brief silence, she is a character... Stabs Carrie hardly on her shoulder wounding her severely and Erika version there was a very good because... To complete the look result, she always shows this smile Lord 's Prayer, Margaret stabbed Carrie and let... 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