You can do this 20 times in a year and make over $1 million in the space of time. 5 Best Jobs that Pay $2 Million Dollars a Year January 30, 2023 by Moses Ukanna These are some of the highest paying online jobs, and some of them cost absolutely nothing to start. But I'd only recommend this route if you Let's be honest, not everyone can make money from their passions or become Instagram famous. And, if you're looking to make a change in your life, what's a bigger change than starting your own online business? I was consumed by pressure and it led me to nothingness in 365 days. Heres where I talk more about these ideas. Top earners: $383,297 per year in Brooklyn, NY. Earning two million dollars a year without having to leave your home or do any sort of 9 to 5 job is a life changer. Average Compensation Package: $377,000. And you dont want that. It is common for venture capitalists to take 25%-30% of profits because venture capital is so much more high stakes than investing in earlier-staged companies. 10 Best Jobs that Pay $600 a Week from Home & Offline, checkout my free guide to building a blog, 7 Best Online Jobs that Pay $100k a Year without a Bachelors Degree, 6 Best Jobs that Pay $20 Million Dollars a Year, 7 Best Jobs that Pay $3 Million Dollars a Year in Real-time, 9 Best Jobs that Pay $1 Million Dollars a Month, 6 Best Jobs that Pay $2 Million Dollars a Month, 5 Best Jobs that Pay $10 Million Dollars a Year, 7 Best Jobs that Pay $15 Million Dollars a Year, 12 Best Jobs that Pay $1 Million Dollars a Year, How to Make $5,000 a Month Working from Home: 11 Proven Ways, How to Double Your Money in 24 Hours: 7 Smart Ways. You dont have to do everything yourself. I know its hard to create content or press out 1,000 words of text, but start from there if you dont have the capital to hire writers or frequently pay freelance writers. Billionaires Income in 2023, How Much Money Does Elon Musk Make a Day? Im just saying. Im not talking survey jargon or testing websites for a living. As for crypto or stock or options, risk is part of the business. Likewise, she said the same amount of . Earning a million dollars as an author is relative to how famous you are outside of your career as an author. It's easy to sign up and start gigging! What about real estate? Related:How and Why Do Influencers Make So Much Money? Are you ready to take action?? If, however, you want to make 2 million dollars and focus intently on it, you can make this amount of money in 10 or fewer years (this is obviously harder in the shorter timeframe, but still possible!). Im talking about real money, like $100k/month or a million dollars a year without having to work a salary job. But the online jobs that pay a lot of money are basically self-employed jobs. If you want to earn $2 million in real estate in 20 years, you only have to contribute $1,340 per month into your real estate portfolio! This article was contributed by Hisham Khan as a follow-up to his YouTube video. If you had $100 million and earned 3%, you . Corporate lawyers also make significant amounts of money. Discover Jobs That Pay $100,000 Or More According To . If youre consistent at it from the very beginning, thats where the rewards come. So to become a millionaire in a year, you need to find a job, start a side hustle or a self-employed job that pays an estimated $2,800 a day consistently. One million dollars a year is $83K a month. IWC works with the nursing home staff and residents on a team approach to client care, including a focused exam on patient wound (s). You recommend products to people and get a commission from qualifying sales. Entrepreneurship Although not an easy feat to accomplish, successful business ventures or startups can earn you up to 2 million dollars annually. On average, senior managers make anywhere from $612 million dollars a year. You can start up and focus on one or start a couple of them and build them over the years. Dropshipping is playing the role of a middle man with the help of an online store wed be calling the dropshipping store. However, our content shouldnt be considered financial advice and is intended for educational purposes only. And that usually requires getting a higher paying position or job. People in the field have to work upwards of 80 hours a week, which really doesnt get any better as they progress throughout their careers. 1. With these digital self-employed businesses, you can start earning up to $10k/month, and gradually grow into millions. Now that we've established what 2 million dollars can do for you, now it's time to start thinking about how to earn that 2 million dollars! And if youre not careful, youll liquidate your entire account within the time run of a minute. Stick with whatever trading strategy works for you. Those numbers look pretty good! These are some of the highest paying online jobs, and some of them cost absolutely nothing to start. Well, in the case of making more money "It takes a good job and a budget to make 2 million". So, after that first year, you earned $24,000 in rents AND $10,000 in value. With the avalanche of jobs online today, its easy to get a job that pays. I mean thats like earning $167,000 in a month alone from online jobs! Add in hundreds of deals these firms make every year with their base management fee, and it makes sense how they make billions of dollars. If you joke with these jobs and make the wrong decision every time (decisions like watching Netflix over outreach for your business and creating content), welcome to the club of business owners and entrepreneurs wholl fail over and over again. At #2, we have venture capital partners (or VC partners for short). So, you can start your niche blog today to embark on your $2m/year journey, or launch an ecommerce business. To get started with trading crypto, sign up for free on Thats why consulting salaries are so high, and as you get more experienced and specialized in one area, your earning potential can go through the roof. Heres the list: These are some of the highest earning niches in the 2020s, and if you join an ad network, you could earn up to $10 per click in some of these niches. If you want to make two million dollars, but don't want to work overly hard for it, then expect it to take 40+ years (again, not hard, but it will take many years of consistent investing). And thats totally normal. You can write, but every article you push out there should cut across 1,000-word minimums just so you dont end up wasting time writing without ranking at all. Again, its easy to get more sales with your name already trending as an expert in the field. You may not start seeing a spike in earnings just right away, it takes time to build really profitable passive income streams. Let's take a look at making 2 million dollars in real estate in 20 years instead of 10 years. This way, you only want to trade within specific times of the day and leave the market after taking a particular profit. With that said, focusing on a few key factors can help you make 1 million, 2 million, and even more, dollars over your lifetime (more on this later in this post). To get started with blogging right now, checkout my free guide to building a blog that makes money from scratch. Do that over and over and by the time youve written 2,000 articles, your blog traffic and authority must have soared. Signing + Stock Bonus ($ Value / Year): $101,000. So, with the competition out there, how can you stand out and become a millionaire caterer? 1. Having a social media page makes both search engines and your target audience trust your blog even more. Data Entry Scams. But a social media page takes longer to get natural likes and followers. You want to make $1 million dollars a year, and if thats true, youll need to trade with more money. A blog with this much traffic will definitely sell for over a million especially if theres affiliate links in the right places and an ad network account. : Trading binary options is made easy with. There are several high-paying jobs available that you can try your hand in. Put value over profit. One of many self-employed jobs that pay $1 million dollars a year is YouTube, and its free to start. In fact, as long as you're then you're good to go! Venture capitalists have a similar fee structure to investment banks where they charge a management fee then take a percentage of profits. Holding the #4 spot are managing directors (or MD for short) at investment banking firms. 6 Jobs That Pay Over $1 Million Here are six jobs that can pay you over $1 million a year. To make a million dollars flipping websites, you have three options to explore: You can buy a growing blog with some authority and contents, build it to become more credible with more quality contents and a higher authority, and then resell it for profit. With a niche blog, its easier to pull relevant traffic and make money with a few visitors. Are you ready to learn everything there is to know about how to earn 2 million dollars? To put that into perspective, the deal made $1.5 billion, and 20% of that is $300 million. But, just make sure to spend within your means, and that saving money is at the forefront of your mind. National average salary: $59,771 per year. This is just so you get your website online live. Financial Managers Annual salary: $153,460 Annual salary after federal taxes: $114,563 Annual income after average expenditures: $53,229 How long it takes to earn a million dollars: 18 years 9 months 9 days 27. Start trading with the pros now on and get to learn everything about stock trading to not lose a dime. Youll definitely record thousands of sales within a short period of time. Blogging a month and earning $3.07 in my first real month of blogging, that Cookie money rekindled my passion. And one best way to get juicy keywords like these is to use a keyword research tool like Ahrefs. The medical profession occupies 19 out of the top 20 spots. If Google doesnt index your content, you really cant get any traffic (unless you want to focus on Bing). Average Hourly Salary: $49.97. A YouTube cash cow exists to make money, but they offer some value along the way consistently. Let's say you buy a rental house for $200,000. Coming in 3rd place are private equity partners. February, 01. So, you can create any kind of YouTube channel and raise it to generate a lot of money. Median pay with 15 years' experience: $131,000 Typical degree level: Bachelor's Recommended: 10 Best Jobs that Pay $600 a Week from Home & Offline. Bottom-lined, create great content thats transactional and informational. Blogging. You cant keep up with all of them, because you dont have to. Thats not to be negative; we just like to give you guys a real picture of what jobs are like because too many people over glorify these jobs. And for this business to take a different shape, I had to relocate to a place that doesnt look like Im stuck under a rock (where no one sees me). Elon Musks Hourly Pay: How Much Money Does Elon Musk Have? The buy-ins are different for each consulting firm and are different every year, but theyre a few hundred thousand dollars and can even be up to $1 million on the lower end. The number here might seem bigbut remember, we're talking about 2 million dollars here! Dont expect to make $2 million dollars in a year after trading your whole year with or securing positions with $1k. To become really successful in the ecommerce business, you need to focus on one product or a series of related products. Is $2 million enough to retire on? Also, if you enjoyed reading this article and want to check out more similar content. To make $1 million dollars a year from Airbnb, you need to have a lot of apartments under your umbrella. Next, investing is going to help you make 2 million dollars in a shorter amount of time. And it made me $3 because I barely blogged at all in those first 11 months. Targeting $2 million for retirement? Thats not true all of the time, though, because each firm has a different approach. What Will It Earn in a Bank Account? Below are the realistic steps I am following personally. Just get done with the domain name and hosting, then youre good to go with a free theme like Astra. I started opening by 6:33 am, sometimes a little bit late. Take my word and the words of a bunch of SEO experts like Neil Patel and Brian Dean who believe longer articles perform better in search. But to make $2 million dollars blogging, that means you're growing a blog to generate $66k a day. Should be half that amount, right? When you think about how to make 2 million dollars, it may seem completely impossible. Consultants are business experts that are hired by companies to help them solve their problems. So lets say you get a blog or a website for around $300k, you can resell it for $350k. Managing directors arent partners with the bank, so they dont have to buy-in to the firm. To make $1 million dollars a year with your business, youll need to find a way to make $3k daily in gross profit. Unfortunately, unless you become the CEO, CFO, or or COO of a company are, chances are that you wouldn't make 2 million dollars in one year. Hedge funds dont have to do any of the complicated stuff VCs and investment banks do. Posted. Incorporating risk management into your trading strategy ensures you dont blow up your entire account when the market runs against you. Private equity is basically higher-stakes investing. Starting salaries for consultants at Big Four Consulting firms with MBAs is $150K, and $180K at places like Parthenon, that's before annual bonuses. I don't know if I'd say easier, but you could potentially get to $2 million faster with real estate. And here are some realistic ways to get there (with time and not overnight). DHAKA, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Insurers are about to pay state-owned Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC) $22.48 million for its vessel that was . For quick results, you want to streamline your scope of coverage and niche down to selling a particular kind of item, maybe headsets and earbuds. Getting into private equity is pretty hard in the first place. They simply invest in stocks. Or entirely skip this part if youre targeting 5,000 low competition keywords. When it comes to affiliate marketing, you can choose to start a blog, a YouTube channel or a social media page. There's quite a few people on this planet that could do that! If you want to retire with $2 million in your nest egg, you might want to do it with real estate. In the business world, its someones connections that get them promoted, so they need to have many allies in the bank vouching for them. So, lets say you lease these apartments out to different or the same people everyday, thats $60k in a month. Again, its great to hire freelance writers if you can shell out the money, but its your audience. To get started, go to, and select a plan as it meets your budget. One reason using a personal name for a blog is not very advisable is because it could cripple any chance of selling it out to a third party later. If you want to make $2m in a year, then stock trading is one of the self-employed online businesses on this list that you can start out. So, understand everything you can about risk management, and how not to redo the win-lose routine. That's already more than $1 million dollars a year. Apparently GOP folks like Mike Lee and Rick Scott have a very short memory as they never remember & deny any/all comments they have made - in public, on national TV - in the past. Its a business with procedures you can automate. Since theres a plan to make a ton of money from your blog, you want to create content around the best and top or list products trending, already popular, and new in your niche (or just about any niche). 9 min. Its simple. So, you want to reach out, go online and notify event centers of your services. So, keep at it and youll be able to compress your entire work-life and make more money. Yes it pays $1 million and even more in a year if youre consistent, but it almost never happens in the first year. Thatd be bizarre. To kill the burden of coming up with the perfect domain name, you can just use your name and move on to the next step. Itll cost you money to make more money in the financial markets. If youve seen some of the other articles and videos walking through the highest paying jobs out of college, you should be familiar with what consulting is. Unless you want to create content for ranking alone, you can create longer articles with the intention to truly help your viewers or teach them. Wondering how to make $2 million dollars in the stock market? Because we never know what will happen. Many people out there have done it, so there's no reason that you couldn't either! Including the latest job cuts, the division has let go of 8% of its workforce, or 209 employees, this year. However, it is completely possible to become a multimillionaire, and this entire post is about how to do it. But Im able to seize the earliest deals before they arrive. Itll take time to find willing apartment owners who want to lease their apartment for a weekly pay, and to also get customers to know you on Airbnb as a reliable apartment host. What it takes to make this much is a mix of quality and consistency. All of the jobs on this list can make you a lot of money, up to $1 million dollars a year, but its dependent on you. The basic blog pages are the pages on your blog that you must have. But others actually help to organically grow a company. Risk is a norm in every business, and the financial markets arent an exemption to this business norm. On Airbnb, you make money by leasing out vacant apartments to strangers around town. It could be a product, a service or just giving random tips and information to people searching for them on YouTube. If youre passionate about something or youre an expert in a field, then you can write a book about it. How Long Will My Money Last With Systematic Withdrawals? For example you can venture into catering and start a catering or food blog to teach people your magic recipe, or start a dropshipping store to sell kitchen utensils and equipment. Suffolk, VA +16 locations. Base Salary: $138,000. By mixing a lot of strategies in your trades, you end up losing most, if not all, of what youve gained in the past. Check it out below and use both as a reference! Urgently hiring. If you figure out how to earn 2 million dollars, you'll be well ahead of the game! Before writing a book that generates $1 million a year in sales, you want to make sure you have something rare stuff almost nobody else has in spades. You know the strategy to generate an average of $3k daily lead you to $1 million dollars a year in gross earnings. If you grind hard enough to land these jobs, youll earn well over $1 million. And finally, in the #1 spot, we have hedge fund managers. For an affiliate social media page, the best way to get massive traffic in a short span of time is usually to promote your page. After having a couple of blog posts, you can go on to sign up as an affiliate marketer with Amazon or any other company selling the products you reviewed. In fact, later in this article I included a tip on how to get a higher paying job, so you can make more money in your lifetime (thus reaching 2 million faster!). Highest paid doctors: radiologists, cardiologist and orthopedic surgeons: Average $400,000 per year As you'd expect, Neurosurgeons, the brain doctors, also get paid close to $400,000 per year. Affiliate marketing is an easy concept to understand. With one apartment earning you $200 a day at least, thats $2,000 with 9 other apartments. This way, you can quickly get into the business of flipping houses and selling properties for profit. Successful business ventures or startups can earn you up to $ 10k/month, and saving... Gradually grow into millions pay a lot of money are jobs that pay 2 million dollars a year self-employed jobs n't know if i 'd easier... Where the rewards come a salary job be a product, a YouTube cash exists! 20 years instead of 10 years all of the day and leave the market after taking a profit... ( unless you want to reach out, go to, if! The day and leave the market after taking a particular profit instead of 10 years in earnings just away. 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