She behaves like a typical "good dog": does tricks, licks her owner's face, fetches the morning paper, etc. Number used for Woops in "The Origin of Stitch". This experiment can be seen in the Disney Adventures comics. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Designed to attract other objects using her magnet like ears. The Movie. In Stitch! Named after bank robber Clyde Barrow. Designed to control all the other experiments. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. The Movie. Designed to have an off-key, beautiful singing voice. The Movie. Designed to study past events and, like Snafu, foil enemy plans by any possible means, but he is smarter and can jump higher than him. He can think faster than a supercomputer, he is fireproof and bulletproof, can spit acid, can hear in different hearing levels, can see in the dark, can jump really high, can climb up walls and walk on ceilings, can roll into a ball, have super sight and hearing and lift objects 3000 times his own weight (but not an ounce more). Her one true place is helping people reach high places. She was caught by Gantu and rescued in "Snafu". Designed to split a person in two opposing directions. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Most seem capable of scaling walls like a gecko (as Stitch frequently does); many are able to grow and retract an extra pair of arms. Stitch! A small pink oddly sheep-like experiment with a big head, purple insect-like wings, a yellow pacifier in her mouth and a baby rattle-shaped tail. Mentioned in "Skip" when Reuben said, "The one whose hair is always clogging the sink." Activated at the end of. A green experiment with sharp steel teeth, large ears and a blue nose. A small purple, roughly slug-likeexperiment with a slim body, a wide mouth, two eyes on two stocks, six spiky mace-like tentacles and three short legs. He also have a type of Alien-like outstretchable mouth. A green phantom-like experiment with short arms, a large conehead with two stripes, a squeaky voice, a koala-like face, long rabbit-like ears, and dark pupil-less eyes. Designed to whip you hard with her lasso-like snake tail. A small purple Gotchu (031)-like experiment with two pincers instead of four and a dragon-like tail. Designed to turn technology against its user by entering machines and making them malfunction, operating like a computer virus. Designed to release carbon monoxide to poison the air. The Movie due to Jumbas untidy Database. Despite being in love with Gantu, Hmsterviel still insulted him like he would on a regular basis. Designed to use his lightning speed, which allows him to instantly prepare food or whip up a mini-tornado in battle. A green Morpholomew-like experiment. One of the 12 new pods found by Lilo & Stitch. Designed to to annoy you by repeatedly ringing his bell. His experiment number - 262- is the "opposite" of 626 - Stitch's number; Ace is good, and Stitch had been evil. Designed to take your bones so you become a squishy blob. Designed to to write jokes. Designed to make soup and other liquid food. Designed to make people dance until they drop, after her namesake Carmen Miranda. His one true place is balancing out Jumba's evil and acting as a local do-gooder. A large green experiment, with two cone-shaped antenna and a roller between his front legs. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to make you speak like a caveman. He is voiced by Rob Paulsen. When Jumba was making 171 the embryo split into 3 so she only has 2 of the 6 powers she was supposed to have: flight and a lethal sting. Designed to burn bagels. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Yang was activated with Yin. Stitch!,128,Stitch!Now,224b,226, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! The two then attempt to rehabilitate the experiments and find a purpose for them on Earth that suits their specific abilities, referred to as the "one true place" they belong. Designed to make people have a freaky day. If the person wakes up while he is still inside, 276 will remain there permanently to turn all future dreams into nightmares. His one true place is being a guard in the galactic federation prison. 627 about to battle Stitch Shortly after, Lilo and Stitch (with some help from Reuben) lured 627 and Gantu to the middle of the town for a final battle. Designed to cry, until she makes a flood. A Collectable Minifigures set released in 2023. . 110,213, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! Designed to verbally insult people by appearance and personality. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Designed to annoy you by playing his demon music. His one true place is at a costume store. His one true place is as a test dummy for car braking tests (he will step out in front of a car, and it doesn't matter if the cars brakes fail, as he is never seriously injured). If the molecular charging process is not completed, these glitches will eventually burn out the experiment's circuits and kill them. Her episode is named "Yapper" after the nickname Lilo gave her, but she is officially "Gigi" on the experiment name list in. Designed to dig artifacts out of the ground. Designed to run around and pinches things with his four pincers. Seen in pod form in. Designed to cause vicious, Earth-shattering earthquakes with one thump of his tail. 149 and 150 are captured and end up in prison as convicts, but they are paroled as part of the rescue party in "Snafu. Stitch, inspired by Hawaii'sterminology, refers to the other experiments as his "cousins" and considers them all a part of his ohana, or "extended family". Designed to make new things rust quickly to make it look old. A yellow experiment with a long, narrow neck like a traffic pole, and a traffic light-shaped head with a green and red light (most likely his eyes, oriented vertically) on each side of his head. So 20 years later, Hmsterviel ruled Earth. Designed to tickle people who ride him. The Movie. Designed to drive in nails around Jumba's house with his hammer-shaped head/face, but at times he will pound living things. A bipedal Yang-like experiment. Designed to be the leader. Nosox was one of the experiments rescued in "Snafu", because Gantu caught him around "Amnesio". Designed to possess inanimate objects and bring them to life. 137,209, Leroy & Stitch, 217,Beach Treasure. Designed to freeze land with his ice breath, generates ice, and also break apart into bits of ice and return to its original form. As 177 eats more hair, she grows larger and larger, to where she can only be tamed by shampoo and hair conditioning products. Designed to destroy the ozone layer. He was found already activated and in his one true place: the circus. A purple bat/lizard-like experiment with four arms, a lion-like tail, large wings on his shoulders and a Stitch-like face. Designed to give you good directions when you aren't lost. These are experiments that have appeared across the Lilo & Stitch franchise who, to date, have yet to have their names, numbers, and functions confirmed by an official source. Once there, Mr. Stenchy lets out a noxious odor, released 42 hours after activation. She mutated into a stronger form after being shot by Jumba's ray but reverted to her original form after Stitch put her to sleep. Designed to make you take a nap, (temporary). Designed to break bones.Number used for Yaarp in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to scratch part of Jumba's back that he can't reach. Designed to chop things in two. Trending pages Angel (624) Reuben (625) Stitch (626) Leroy (629) 627 His name is in reference to the REM stage of sleep, in which dreams occur. Designed to wilt plants by licking them with his long tongue with plant killing saliva. Designed to eavesdrop on private enemy conversations. Designed to mimic what people say. Designed to drop pennies off high areas. Experiment 050, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba. He is seen in the Disney Adventures Comics. He is designed to dunk people in any body of water. A purple heavy-set experiment with a purple nose. Because of her appearance and behavior, 007 was adopted by Mertle and wasn't recognized as an experiment until Jumba saw her. 449 has a peculiar attention-seeking character, which leads him to throw himself in front of whatever traffic there is, just to get sympathy. Designed to make you talk like a gangster. The Movie. A pink calf-like experiment with two horns. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A small, purple shark-like experiment designed to destroy and sink enemy ships with its large dorsal fin. A big, round peach-colored experiment with two long white-tipped ears, three large white stripes on her back, a white stomach and a red nose. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Stitch! Designed to be a bully with special kickboxing skills. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". A big green mouthless crab-like experiment with four legs, two large claws and a window on its chest. Designed to tear up the ground beneath his feet. Designed to turn objects into ham. Designed to be a living dog whistle. Designed to reveal your pin codes by writing on walls. A blue experiment with stripes on his legs and arms and two antennae. Her one true place is with. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to improve Jumba's TV reception. The Movie. Source Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise.She is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, Stitch's love interest/mate (or "boojiboo", as they call each other), and female counterpart.She is designed to turn people and experiments from good to evil by singing a siren song containing a special musical neuro-linguistic . Designed to give you horrible road rage. Number used for Skip in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to be an improved version of 010. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! A green experiment with a huge blue nose and a yellow spot around his eyes and a yellow stripe on his ears and tail (In his episode the spots and stripes were originally red.). However at night 140 transforms into a purple, four-legged added demon that proceeded to carry out his primary function. Seen in pod form in "627". Seen in pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the Disney Site. The antidote is a mix of two teaspoons of applesauce, one cup of milk, three bananas, and 100% kona coffee. Designed to give different flavors of ice cream. Stitch! A blue platypus-like experiment with an accordion body. Designed to put pepper on 155's burger. If an experiment pod gets wet, the experiment will be reactivated and released. Finder was mistakenly called 458 in his episode. He was activated at the end of. Designed to make you drop things. It is also shown that some experiments' powers (such as Mr. Stenchy (254)'s cuteness, and Checkers (029)'s hypnotic effect) do not affect other experiments, possibly so that these powers do not preventother experiments from carrying out their primary functions. Designed to annoy people with her constant barking. A large green scorpion-like creature with a pincer-less tail. A large dark blue porcupine-like experiment, with huge white-tipped spines on his tail, back, front legs and head, a red nose, large black eyes, black claws and a long tail that he can throw like darts. Designed to eat non-stop using his long tentacles in his mouth. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to target important deliveries and stop them reaching their destinations on time, by launching himself in front of the vehicle and then playing possum once hit. Seen in pod form in "627". Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Also, Jumba programmed 199 to be an expert escape artist. Designed to find out the enemys plans for you, but has a glitch and tells the enemy your plan. Designed to launch a near invisible liquid out from underneath his tail. Designed to shoot flames out of her head. Seen in pod form in Stitch Tiki Bowl. Designed to compress mineral matter into high-quality gemstones. Thresherwas used by Gantu to defeat Stitch but was defeated in "Dupe". Only this same experiment can undo the switch. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to be a hot tub but hates water. Her one true place is creating winds for windsurfers on the beach. His one true place is as an opening act for Moses's Hula gig. The surest way to reverse 360's effect is with a splash of water. A blue female octopus/living waterhose-like experiment. Designed to morph organisms into any other organism, after seeing the target organism or a photo of the target organism at least once before. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A large tan mammoth experiment with two tiny little antennae, a big round green nose instead of trunk, green markings on his back, legs at the middle of his torso with external toes, a big hump near his face, and tusks as large as the entire front of his body. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Seen in pod form in Stitch! A blue Doubledip-like experiment with stripes on his ears and tail and holes in his ears. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Sample". Designed to dribble drool downward from his mouth. into thinking that Jumba was still evil. How-come: This experiment always asks questions to annoy people, and he ends up as a psychiatrist. His one true place is making virtual reality games. After learning of his older "cousins", he and his friend, Lilo, make it their mission to give them a new purpose beyond chaotic mayhem. Designed to annoy people by asking them very hard questions. The Movie. ", A chocolate-colored pink-haired lizard/Stitch-like experiment. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). He is voiced by Jeff Bennett. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to make his wearer a king or queen by hypnotizing those around them, with the exception of other experiments. A yellow experiment with red eyes. Mr. Stenchy's one true place on Pleakley's home planet, where his stench is considered a rare and valuable perfume. These fictional experiments, also referred to as Stitch's cousins, are genetically engineered creatures created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba in his lab at "Galaxy Defense Industries", with the assistance of Dr. Jacques von Hmsterviel who funded the projects with "shady" business deals. He was in the rescue party for "Snafu." Designed to launch boulders. Designed to entertain Jumba by playing the violin. Designed to destroy things with his spiky hands. 124, 137,217,226, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!Now, Stitch Jam 2. He is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yin, Yang and Cannonball and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yin, Yang and Cannonball. His one true place is hypnotizing people at children's parties. A dark purple cat/rat-like experiment. Designed to produce a soothing glow and make everything go quiet. This process also works on people and other items, and it can be reversed by spanking 210's bottom three times while his tongue is wrapped around the de-evolved person or thing. A red and yellow, conehead, purple-nosed, monstrous experiment that looks like a bigger, badder, and worse-mannered version of Stitch, with the same face expression, ear notches at the top of each ear, a wiry body, dark eyes, four extra retractable arms, four retractable spines that run down his back (the first and last spine are the shortest, the second spine is the longest, then medium), black sharp retractable claws on his front and back paws, retractable antennae, and an extra retractable head as well. Designed to speak at an Ultra High Frequency. A small blue experiment with two back spines. A small purple ankylosaurus-like creature with a lavender stomach, a bulky body and legs, a huge tail with a triangle shape at the end, a round face with a wide mouth, a round nose, black eyes, short ears, a single horn on his head and tiny spikes down his back. Designed to bind together incompatible individuals, usually by the hand or wrist. She is in love with Stitch and is the closest one to him. Plasmoid was used by Gantu to defeat Stitch but was defeated in "Dupe". Designed to be the improved version of 356. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Was mentioned in "Skip". Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Number used for Digger in "The Origin of Stitch". 207, Leroy & Stitch 030 Vialet Leroy & Stitch 031 Gotchu An orange lobster-like experiment who runs around and pinches things with his four pincers. Her one true place is at the dog pound making older dogs young again, thus making them more appealing to potential adopters. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! A plant-like experiment with a green stem, leaf-like body, tentacle-like vines, and a purple head with lizard-like face, little sharp teeth, dark blue pupil-less eyes, and a single antenna. A small, red six-legged furred reptilian dragon-like experiment with a red-purple striped horn on his head, brick-red markings on his forehead and back, short red-orange-tipped ears, blue eyes with red-purple spots around them and a round hole-like nose. Seen in pod form in "Houdini". Designed to make you all naggy so everyone is annoyed with you. A purple, ghost-like experiment with a white-striped witch hat extending from her head, a yellow heart-shaped mark on her white chest, and wavy arms similar to cloth. (How Jumba knew this word, which is Hawaiian, and why he chose that particular word before he came to Earth are unknown.) His one true place is putting insomniacs to sleep. Designed to take your CDs and transport them to a place youd least expect them to be. Designed to be a living ball that rolls anywhere nonstop. When Lilo decided to step down, Gantu took Checkers and was in power until Stitch gathered several experiments to help overthrow him. Designed to have all the powers of Stitch, but is a klutz who accidentally bumps into everything. Designed to dismantle mechanical devices and make weapons out of them. The Movie. Designed to spread mold on bread. Seen in pod form in "627". Designed to make false money. He has two cyborg arms, three spider-like legs, and half-helmet (right half of his face is metal) with big black cyclopic-like right eye from some unknown incident. This experiment is named after Jess Winfield's user name at TVTome/ Seen in pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the Disney Site. Designed to have control over gravity. Image of experiment 626, also known as Stitch. Designed to make you go against air conditioners during summer so youll literally boil. Activated at the end of. A small white and brown experiment with a curved head and lightweight body. Seen in pod form in Stitch! The Movie. She is voiced by Tara Stong. He was used by Gantu to defeat Stitch in "Dupe" and rescued by Lilo's rescue team in "Snafu." camera flashes), which cause him to blink reflexively and randomly make surrounding objects or creatures disappear. A green, furless, earless, clownish, roughly monkey-like creature with no tail, a large red round clown nose, white face and stomach, wide mouth, black eyes, neck frill, three huge tendrils on his head that resemble a jester's cap, and a purple spot on his stomach. The only way to reverse the effect is with a machine built by Jumba. Designed to make you talk, act, eat, and drink like a baby. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. 126, 226,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! His one true place is operating a "Lost and Found" service on the beach. When he was activated, he was called 119, and he was mistaken for experiment 611. Leroy is very physical, but also makes liberal use of his plasma gun. A small gray and white mustached experiment with four arms with three fingers on each hand, black eyes, a round nose, a little mouth, short ears, a chef's hat, and a spatula for a tail. Designed to pop popcorn. Designed make weeds grow everywhere. Woops (600) "accidentally" broke Nosy's capsule on Gantu's ship, freeing him. This experiment's name is a hidden joke: Dyslexia read by a dyslexic person. Designed to steal by getting inside by picking the locks with his key-like claws. When he turns to good, he could cure health problems. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. A pink shapely female experiment with a strong feminine resemblance to Stitch and his primary love interest, with two long tendril-like violet-tipped antennae, violet-tipped ears, small eyelashes, white V-shaped symbol, slightly larger chest puffed out and dark pink Stitch-like back markings (originally upside-down heart-shaped or sometimes gone). The Movie. This experiment is mentioned in "Drowsy" when Pleakley said, "experiment 239 designed to cause traffic jams" However she does not cause traffic jams, she was mistaken for Stogo, experiment 102. In the "Slushy" episode, Splodyhead returned to help to fight Slushy with fire against ice. Designed to switch sharps and flats on sheet music. She was referred to in Remmy when Pleakley said, "Is that the one that turns everything into ham?". A purple, skinny, Stitch-like experiment with huge yellow buckteeth, a football-shaped head with three short white-tipped antennae and a short white-tipped tail. Designed to steal food and make them go to waste. A fat purple Nosy (199)-like experiment with black nails, a dark blue stripe around his torso between his chest and stomach, a dark blue circle on the top of his head, dark blue-striped ears, a larger belly and a slightly smaller, gold nose. Designed to make you look very angry if you eat his cherry. Designed to make grease-prints all over the place. The franchise, which consists of four animated films, three animated television series, and several other spin-offs, is noted for its unusual and eclectic cast of fictional characters, both human and alien. Number used for Blowhard in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to sprout into an uncontrollable forest of destruction. The Movie. A pink balloon-dog-experiment with a heart-shaped tail. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. The Movie. Designed to make tattoos. A whitish-tan rabbit-like experiment with four brown spots on each elbow and knee, pink mark on his chest and stomach, purple markings on his back and ear tips and a little face with a small mouth, dark pink nose, and huge black eyes. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A spotlight experiment that was supposed to be in "Spike" but was removed, and was supposed to appear later. The Movie. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. The Movie. Number used for Slimy in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Stitch! He is voiced by Jeff Bennett. A possible reference to Bob from the CG animated series. Designed to make you scared of spiders and web people up. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats. Pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the experiment pod container in Stitch Speed on. Dog pound making older dogs young again, thus making them malfunction, operating like a computer virus his true! 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Livingston County Ny Dwi Arrests, Thomas Spero Obituary, Articles L