You found your purpose, so you might as well pursue it.Alaric to Jeremy in Stay. But just in case, he apologizes anyway. Furthermore, tensions rise between Alaric, Lizzie, and Josie, when Hope finds out about the Merge from Freya. Thanks to Cleo's vision they know that Ken is planning an attack on the school, but the good news is they get to choose the field of battle. Alaric goes back to grading papers until he hears a creaking noise out in the hall and goes to investigate after seeing a dark figure go past. It's a long story but the moral of which is that there are some battles they can't win alone. But I gave birth to them, I raised them, I loved them and when they went missing, I felt like I was dying. As he did so, a demonic but garish figure stepped out of the darkness declaring itself responsible and calling himself "The Necromancer", to which Alaric and Dorian responded with bemusement. She attacks Ken alone. The Hollow prepared to finish him and approached his vehicle but Alaric pulled out a gun, revealing that he had filled his car with explosives. The four automatons are Aurora, Jen, Ken, the father of an entire family of gods, and Lizzie. It's Lizzie's and deep down, he knows that. In We're Not Worthy, Alaric talks with the school through an assembly in which he admits that the previous year was tough, but that they have gotten through and will soon be on the road to recovery. Later, Alaric watched Damon propose the trade of Oscar for Elena. In I Carry Your Heart With Me, three years from now, Alaric was shown with two daughters, fixing their baby doll. In Bad Moon Rising, Alaric went to the Salvatore Boarding House where he was questioned by Elena, Stefan and Damon on Isobel's research on the paranormal, hoping to figure out with species The Lockwoods were. Alaric and Bonnie prepared to use the stone to try and bring back Jo, but were interrupted by Damon with Oscar's dead body. It's finally over. This is a hostage situation because Malivore still has Landon, Cleo, and Ethan. Alaric tells him he's sorry and pulls him into a hug, gaining his coin to Peace. Before he ends the conversation, he asks about Ben's plan and what it would mean for him. Alaric told the boys to run while he and Hope took care of the dragon. when does alaric become human againthinking out loud sheet music violin. Elena returns and Dark Alaric attempts to kill her as well though he is stopped by Stefan. Dorian tells him it's an optical illusion and they need his help. Alaric and Hope investigate the bus themselves and the bus is littered with charred corpses. When they awoke, Bonnie realized Alaric had been lying to her about the stone. Alaric mentions that she was compelled to forget the night before and will be back at Duke, to which Jo says the name is a little obnoxious but cute. Hope believes she wouldn't have to put them through any of this if she'd just become the tribrid. . After the spell is completed, Alaric takes the girls away. Alaric alters the memory but she still thinks of Damon as her boyfriend, so they decide to take a break. When Josie left, Lizzie made some bad decisions and reiterates that she'd rather cling onto her than stay at the school to face a life that's different. Landon has a theory that the whole point of Limbo is to atone for the mistakes of your life. After she wakes, he asks how it went, and she confirms that Ken has taken the bait. Alaric tells him he's a human and going against two no humanity vampires isn't a good idea, but Enzo says that he would become a cowardly father and it would affect the child. It's attempted murder, considering she transitioned into a vampire. This is how Jeremy learns that Elena is dead, as his life was bound to Elena's life by Esther. He explained that even his own daughters were doing well there, and using their magic for good. He believes they and MG are right about Hope and she's close to regaining her humanity. As Alaric prepared to head home, Damon asked Ric if he could forgive him so they could go back to the way things were but Alaric told him that he didn't want to, since the last three years had been the happiest of his life. The longer Malivore remains alive, the more innocent people are in danger. On the other side, he tells the person that he's glad they've called but he's heard nothing from Lizzie. Embracing Jo, the two reminisced about their time together and the impending danger the twins faced on their 22nd birthday. Landon reasons that if the Necromancer returns them, they'll be heading back into their worst nightmare, plus he gets to keep his wish to break his contract with Zied. Hope likes the plan, but is confused about why she wasn't told sooner. He comes to the conclusion that, in reality, it's anything but safe and achieving his mission statement has proven impossible. He met and fell in love with Josette Parker, who saved his life when he crossed the magical border into Mystic Falls which stripped him of his supernatural powers and made him human again. Alaric is later freed after Wendy, Jade, and Diego threaten Josie's safety. The illusion never lasts and she reminds Cleo that friends do; that they're real and have come to save her. He's not ready to let her go. Bonnie warned him that it wasn't a matter of raising a magical veil to ghosts, it was actual necromancy. Enzo and Alaric then arrive at the dorms with a crossbow and a stake-shooting rifle in their hands. He opens it and it is revealed to be a plaque with the inscription "Dr. Alaric Saltzman. Listening, actually, to the little voice in his head, while showing her the pendant. Hope arrives just in time to use her artificial light bomb, stunning the creature and allowing Alaric to throw an arrow to her, which she uses to impale the creature. MG and Wade return with a picture book of a clown, asking if this is what attacked him. In The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, Alaric is teaching his class about the history of homecoming and indirectly talks about Damon. Posted By : / Alaric offers her some advice. He intervenes and causes Brian to go away. Should they fail, they'll have a fallback. Ric's not too enthused. Hope doesn't have another choice and eventually accepts. Alaric wants her to prove it, to use the Manticulum and ask the question. Dorian reveals that he hasn't been able to get any information from the dryad. Alaric gave Jeremy a clean start and decided to help him out with his grades by giving him an extra-credit history-report about any event that happened in Mystic Falls. Hope refuses to give an answer, just that she's working on it. Jo tells him that even if Kai never escapes his prison, her family will try to take them from them. Pearl, another escaped vampire and her daughter Anna arrived afterwards. Alaric's biological daughters, Lizzie and Josie, are jealous of this relationship, which bothers Alaric; Alaric wishes for the three of them to get along. Hope demands to run it again, but Josie counters that they're doing something wrong. However, he already knows. Legacies appeared to have killed off a major character when the Salvatore School headmaster had a brain hemorrhage, but does Alaric die in Legacies season 4? Following the meditation session, Alaric went out to break up a student party out by the Old Mill. Landon believes her point. Jo comes to Alaric and tells him that she knows he tried to compel her. The Vampire Diaries and Legacies star, Matt Davis, may have just dropped some hints about the new season of Legacies. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? Josie performs the transfusion ritual and Hope sits on the sidelines, talking to Alaric. Alaric moved to Mystic Falls and took up the position of a history teacher after the death of the previous one, William Tanner. Immediately after, in Stand By Me, it was revealed that since Jeremy had become a member of The Five, he had technically become supernatural so the ring's effects no longer worked on him despite Elena's hope that it would. Ben confirms that it was. He explains that he's been doing some thinking in Limbo, something that Lizzie's not aware of due to the lack of communication. Alaric is simultaneously completely terrible as a father, but also refuses to treat his children the same as the other students. Alaric said it was the ring. He believes it comes down to one of three things, usually: parents, sex, and God. Every time they solve one problem, another one just pops up. Lizzie, Josie and MG attempt to reach him through his subconsciousness, but fail. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. Despite everything, there's no lasting grudge between them. He tells Kaleb that Landon didn't make it. Hope, however, has trapped them all within the ground with a barrier spell and are stuck with the school. Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family. Take, for example, Alaric a man starting off the season without a job! The Necromancer makes them leave the crypt, telling them he needs time to concentrate to do the spell. Later on during the episode both him and Damon were attacked by werewolves. Kaleb's memory comes back to him and realizes he went on a bender and killed several students. He comes to the conclusion that sometimes the truth can do more harm than good, at least until you're ready to hear it. She says she is glad he is okay, and they kiss. As they attempt to decipher the riddle, they come up short. Lizzie is a wild card. Alaric addresses the school as they're meeting under happier circumstances. Landon decides to explain why he's keeping them, rather than tell him. Alexis Denisof (Angel) made his long-awaited debut as Headmaster Vardemus on this week's Legacies, and while we won't deny the sorcerer's ability to rally a crowd, we're not ready to trust him just yet. He instructs Lizzie, Kaleb and Jed to keep Lizzie's secret and protect Hope's whereabouts as she navigates Josie's mind. After years of memory wipes and dashed football dreams courtesy of the Salvatore School, Ethan finally gets his wish to be special on Legacies. He wants her to be happy. When Kai is doing sucking up all the magic from the border, he gets up and levitates Alaric and slams him into a tree. Alaric reveals that he has seen the results before, and pulls up a file from the night Hope was absorbed into Malivore. The students cheer and applaud the news. The relationship between Alaric's twin daughters, Lizzie and Josie, started when he realized Jo Laughlin was pregnant with them. Alaric then decides to move out of the Gilbert house because he doesn't believe that he can be a good role model for Jeremy due to his drinking, depression, and messed up life outside of his work. The dryad dismisses this, revealing that she senses Alaric's pain and loss and, at that moment, Dorian enters with Oliver. He tells her that if she wants to fight and keep her magic, he'll fight with her, if not, and tells her he loves her regardless if she's a witch or not. Alaric tells Alyssa that he runs a school that she can be a part of, and Alyssa agrees. Tensions further arise during the match when Alaric witnesses Vardemus handing Josie a spell, which she unknowingly uses to break Ethan's arm, essentially stealing away his scholarship. Alaric reveals that there are two people who have been absorbed by Malivore, but he cannot figure out who. In What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?, Alaric and Hope consider what they will tell the rest of the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted about the glowing artifact and the possible monster that could come for it. However, he knows exactly who Alaric needs to talk to Landon. She too dies. After receiving a call from Matt Donovan, he and Hope head toward Route 29, Near Virginia State Line, to the scene of an active crime scene investigation. In The Last Day, Alaric goes to the Salvatore Boarding House to give everyone a message that the sacrifice happens tonight, and Jenna points a crossbow at him. This is one of those days they've been trying to avoid with Hope becoming a full tribrid. After Damon raised his glass to Alaric, he smiles fondly and seems at peace as he looks at everyone he cares about. Odd are it's still going to die, but if he wants to get back at his father and atone, he employs him to use his powers to fight with them and opens the cell. Alaric asks her if she is having second thoughts, but Elena tells him she doesn't and that it feels amazing to be a human again. Landon holds on to the secrets and tells him that it can wait. At Alaric's apartment, Alaric is saying what is happening doesn't make sense and Damon is wondering why, to which Alaric tells him that Jo needs her magic for the merge to work, but she got rid of it back in 1994. They come to the conclusion that they wasted their first wish. They need to find a way to pull Malivore out of the people he's infecting. Alaric reveals that Sebastian refused to follow the Salvatore School rules and therefore was a danger to society. In one of his classes, he is seen talking about occult studies. He ignores Lizzie and Josie, but whenever they do something wrong he refuses to punish them. That is when they fall on Ray Sutton, a werewolf that Klaus had turned into a hybrid but he had gone rabid for an unknown reason, later revealed that his transition failed due to not drinking Elena's doppelgnger blood. Hope sends in Kaleb, using his dragon fire. They also discover that Klaus and Stefan have been hunting werewolves. Jo wakes up next to Alaric, he quickly takes a wooden stake out of him, she leans to look but it's gone by then and she's confused. Hope decides to hand over the spell to Josie, though Ryan is immediately concerned. When Damon distracts Kai, Alaric comes behind him, grabs him and puts a gun to his head. Lizzie is a hybrid and she has the best chance of surviving, admittedly, it's not really much of one. He apologizes as Ben lets out an agonizing scream. Alaric again confronts Vardemus, who bans him from the school grounds, leading to Alaric punching him in the face and starting a fight between the two schools. He later helps Stefan try to kill Cade by ringing the bell, but stops after Kai tells him he's going to kill the girls. Alaric is unaware that Landon is lying, but continues to read the book in front of him with a chapter titled "Sebastian the Merciless". However, Alaric reasons that if that were true, then the school wouldn't exist. Alaric reminds him that he was trying to bring about the end of the world the first time. The three of them are returned to the darkness. He pleads with the wolf to not make him do this, but the wolf has no reason. They are in the woods similar to where Alaric trained Elena how to fight years prior. They got the results, and learned that they were negative. Best-case scenario, it results in his painful and permanent demise. He hands her Cleo's drawing, inquiring if this looks like her father's handiwork. Answer (1 of 5): He crossed back over to the other side through Bonnie along with Stefan, Tyler, Damon and Elena (they died blowing up the mystic grill in order to kill all the travellers in order to overwhelm Bonnie, so that she could let them through her). Alaric has aged like a fine wine, and so has his clothing choice. Alaric tries to talk Kaleb through his heightened bloodlust. It's not him, but Lizzie. That night, Alaric packs up his Jeep, but not before being stopped by Hope. He would often loan his vampire slaying weapons to his friends and allies when they were in need of them. Jeremy feels like he has a right to have a problem right now since Bonnie died to save everyone else and told him about it over the phone. When Damon tells him that Kai is out, but it wasn't their fault, Alaric punches him again and walks away. After Alaric was turned into an Enhanced Original, his darker aspect took complete control, and although now a vampire, was determined to hunt down the Original family and end the existence of vampires, showing that that was all he cared about by agreeing to be desiccated after he had finished his work. This leads to MG asking Alaric for help. Another call to Dorian revealed that the woman was not a Pyromancer at all but a dragon in human form. Alaric goes back and fails everybody again, but racked with guilt all the while, knowing that Landon's genuinely decent soul is trapped in Limbo with him, forever. The wedding begins, and Alaric delivers his vows to Jo. If they refuse to hand her over, they'll all die. Alaric has never seen anything she can't handle and is willing to take the risk if she is. Caroline was shocked by his sudden decision, worried about the care of his daughters so suggested that she go with them. Alaric questions why Oliver does not remember the dryad given they have clearly met before as she knows his name and he is a vampire however, Oliver simply cannot remember the dryad and this seems to sadden Alaric himself. The way she sees it, this is no different than when Malivore came into their lives. It makes sense. Then Elena is remembering when Damon kissed her. He was quick to give Jeremy a second chance, and immediately started to bond with Jenna. With his innermost thoughts revealed to him, the manifestation disappears. Alaric and Damon finally renew their friendship. He is shown to be protective of her and her family. Hope accepts the gesture. The Necromancer hands him a towel and Alaric questions since when are monsters in Limbo. Her humanity tells her that she should listen, and though she believes they would be wasting their first strike, she goes with it. Does Dr Saltzman become headmaster again? However, this facade showed a darker side, one tinged with guilt and grief. Alaric crawls to Hope and cuts open his hand attempting to feed her. Alaric recalls the time she first arrived at the school. Alaric, is still alive, rests in the makeshift infirmary. After that, they kiss, but their moment is stopped by Elena. The first is when Matt sits in Alaric's seat and Damon tells him the seat is taken, second when Damon notices Jeremy is still wearing the family ring even after it drove Alaric crazy, and third when Damon sits in Alaric's old classroom and raises a bottle of bourbon in the air before taking a drink, as it is both Alaric and Damon's favorite drink. Alaric is eventually able to convince a reluctant Hope to try out the box in an attempt to find out what happened to Landon. Like a nuclear weapon, Alaric is just making sure to take extra care and support of her. She kisses him and they begin making out passionately until Elena shows up, looking surprised and uncomfortable. He did, however, want something else. Alaric notices that she's packing a bag, and knows she has other plans. Rupert explains that she seemed lost, that recent events left her adrift since all the people she counted on the most to help her suddenly weren't there for her. In Was This the Monster You Saw?, getting ready to leave the hospital, Alaric is released, though the nurse tries to convince him to stay a bit longer. When he tried to take it back, the woman breathed fire at him, forcing Alaric to flee back toward the highway. In I'm Thinking Of You All The While, Alaric is still on the ground, with Jo's lifeless body in his arms. Who am I?" Alaric says that if the only way to restore Jo's back is to reunite her with the knife, Kai will come looking for it, but Damon tells him that he'll kill him and reveals he hid it behind a picture frame, but when he opens the back, the knife isn't there as Kai had already found it. When they heard about trouble with the Heretics back in Mystic Falls, Stefan called and asked Alaric about how to make a bomb, since he was going through his weapons and needed something that could take out the Heretics all at once. Malivore berates Alaric for teaching his students on how to be prey as opposed to predators. Esther decides to make Alaric a true Original Vampire Hunter like her husband Mikael, with Alaric to be the "vampire to end all vampires." Ben points out that the tree line will prevent him from using lightning strikes. Later Alaric tells Damon he's his friend, but doesn't want any more lies between them. Realizing that she was practicing witchcraft, Alaric told her the good things about being a witch and there were plenty of things to study that didn't hurt. He temporarily died from the stab wound that killed him before his transition, when the magic that made him an Enhanced Original was stripped from his body. Alaric later watched as Valerie transferred Stefan back into his own body. Alaric tells her that none of what's coming is fair and that's what Landon was trying to tell her. He tells her he knows about what had happened and needs answers. Landon refuses, however, and they eventually find that the monster is not a Night Hag but instead is a dream demon called an oneiroi. He also tells her that he is taking Elena and that, as her guardian, she can't stop him. Alaric even assists Elena and compels her to forget about Damon because she grieves his death too much. He's emptying out his liquor cabinet. Hope tells him to get into position as the show is about to start. Kaleb's eyes turn orange, and he breathes out fire. In Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, weeks after his disastrous wedding, Alaric went on a getaway trip to Europe with Damon and Bonnie. Within the clock tower, Alaric, Landon and the Necromancer, make their way into an underground bar. In Season Two, Alaric doesn't appear in one episode: In Season Four, Alaric doesn't appear in two episodes: In the books Alaric was much younger and was a researcher instead of a vampire hunter. Hope decides in that moment that she'll become the tribrid before anyone else gets hurt. Alaric is seen in his office an unknown amount of time later cleaning his arrow. Alaric then calls Jo, hoping that she will tell him how to get back inside the house. Alaric commented how much he hated how good it felt to be taking down a vampire again. While Landon and the Necromancer are out of the bar, Alaric makes the second wish. In Cold as Ice, Alaric and Caroline discuss attending a birthing class for the twins. If they do that, they're guaranteeing that someone's going to die. They then tie him up but Ray starts to turn into a wolf although the moon isn't up yet. Alaric and Landon continue to try and figure out the sphinx's riddle, though Alaric becomes frustrated and decides to give up. Alaric believes in theory it would be possible. The jinni appears before the three of them, introducing himself as Zied. Alaric asks Tyler the difference between being sired to and being compelled, and they learn that although he denies it, he is blindly loyal to Klaus and would do whatever Klaus says, even if he were asked to rip his own heart out, although Tyler doesn't understand what he just said. Stefan tells him that she doesn't want to see him and Alaric tells him that every emotion she pushed away just came back at least 100 miles an hour. He also learned that his wife had a child when she was a teenager, a daughter named Elena Gilbert, his student. Why did Alaric's ring not work? Alaric decided to show her the morgue where Jo was kept and told her how he'd been paying them to keep her body longer than regulated. . Rhetorically, Alaric asks him if he really thinks that he wants to do this because he and Caroline built this school for their daughters. Alaric does know what she's going through. She's right. Alaric, Hope, and Rafael traveled to the last place Landon was seen - the charred bus off Route 29. Hope Mikaelson is the only character that is hybrid of all three bloodlines: werewolf, witch, and vampire. Asked By: Ian Gray Date: created: May 19 2021. Alaric does not let the subject rest, however, and when Landon has completed Sebastian's assessment, he interrupts Alaric to tell him the good news: Sebastian passed all of the assessments. Later on, before the wedding, Alaric calls Jo and asks her how her vows are coming along. Ken calls out to Hope, questioning if this is the best she's got to offer him. He clearly still cares for her, though he knows who she loves; hence he tells her to be happy and they embrace. Before he leaves, he tells them that if they die within his consciousness, it will severely damage their mind in the real world. While Elena is fighting Caroline, Caroline mentions that she's older and more powerful than Elena, but Elena says that Caroline has no fighting experience, and Elena was trained by Alaric. Eventually, they'll run out of cages and chains and spells. He went on to tell him about the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted that he and Caroline had started for children with supernatural powers. So naturally, Damon compels him to get it, revealing that for some reason, he isn't on vervain. Family will try to take a break were doing well there, and she confirms that Ken has taken bait... Exactly who Alaric needs to talk Kaleb through his heightened bloodlust take the risk she... Alaric went out to Hope, and immediately started to bond with Jenna pops..., before the three of them, rather than tell him how to be taking down a again. She navigates Josie 's mind just making sure to take extra care support. 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